
Terms for subject Microsoft containing delete | all forms | exact matches only
cascade deleteusunięcie kaskadowe (For relationships that enforce referential integrity between tables, the deletion of all related records in the related table or tables when a record in the primary table is deleted)
cascading deleteusuwanie kaskadowe (For relationships that enforce referential integrity between tables, the deletion of all related records in the related table or tables when a record in the primary table is deleted)
Delete a Contact...Usuń kontakt... (A UI element that opens a list of contacts so the user can select one to remove from the user's contact list)
Delete a GroupUsuń grupę (A menu item that removes a group and its contacts from the user's Contacts list)
DELETE clauseklauzula DELETE (A part of a DML Statement that contains the DELETE keyword and associated parameters)
Delete GroupUsuń grupę (A menu item that removes a group and its contacts from the user's Contacts list)
Delete Group and ContactsUsuń grupę i kontakty (An item on the right-click menu for a group that removes the selected group and its contacts from the user's contact list)
DELETE keyklawisz Delete (On IBM and PC-compatible computers, a key whose function changes depending on the application program. Usually it erases the character under the cursor, although in some applications it can erase selected text or graphics)
delete levelpoziom usuwania (In Data Transformation Services, the amount and kind of data to remove from a data warehouse)
delete querykwerenda usuwająca (A query (SQL statement) that removes rows matching the criteria you specify from one or more tables)
hard deletecałkowite usunięcie (The process of permanently removing an item from the store or moving it to the dumpster when dumpster functionality is enabled. The dumpster is enabled/disabled by means of a registry setting on the computer running Exchange)
soft deleteusuwanie nietrwałe (The process of moving an item to the Deleted Items folder)