
Terms for subject Microsoft containing critere | all forms
critère de relationrelationship criterion (A filter to match objects during synchronization)
critères d'acceptationacceptance criteria (The criteria that a product or product component must satisfy to be accepted by a user, customer, or other authorized entity)
critères d'alertealert criteria (The criteria that, if met, trigger an alert)
critères de comparaisoncomparison criteria (" A set of search conditions that is used to find data. Comparison criteria can be a series of characters that you want to match, such as "Northwind Traders," or an expression, such as ">300.")
critères de filtrefilter criteria (Conditions that users specify to limit which records are included in the result set of a query)
critères de remplacementoverride criteria (Selected target and value pairs that specify when a rule does not apply to a value pair)
critères de sortieexit criteria (A set of circumstances that a product or service must meet before a particular milestone is complete. The presence of exit criteria signal the end of a successful effort)
critères d'entréeentry criteria (A set of circumstances that must be present before an effort can begin successfully)
critères d'évaluationevaluation criteria (The categories of assignments for a given class, along with a percentage value that indicates how much each category weighs into the overall grade. Other factors, such as class participation, may also be considered)
volet CritèresCriteria pane (The area of the window that displays the criteria used to limit the records included in the result set of your query)