
Terms for subject Microsoft containing connected | all forms | exact matches only
be automatically connectedавтоматически подключаться (to ... – к ... Alex_Odeychuk)
Can't connect to the global peer-to-peer network.не удаётся подключиться к глобальной одноранговой сети (Windows 8 Rori)
Connected Accountsподключённые учётные записи (A feature that lets users receive and send mail from other e-mail accounts in Outlook Web App. They can add and delete those accounts, check their account synchronization status, and manage e-mail from those accounts in their Inbox using Inbox rules)
connected data sourceподключённый источник данных (A directory, database, file, or other data repository that is typically offsite and that needs to be accessed remotely)
Connected Framesсвязанные фреймы (A Windows feature that enables developers and designers to build paginated content. They can take a single stream of HTML content containing text and images, and segment that stream into multiple containers defined in an HTML template across multiple pages. Connected Frames provides a declarative mechanism to link and flow HTML content across a finite set of frames with variable position and sizing that have been defined either statically or dynamically. Connected Frames also provides a set of programmatic interfaces which allow developers to detect when content overflow has occurred on a Connected Frame, determine when no more content is available for fragmentation, exposes the entire document associated with a set of Connected Frames, and exposes fragment content associated with a specific Connected Frame)
connected graphсвязный граф (A graph in which there is a path between any two nodes)
connected object scopeобласть подключённых объектов (A filter that identifies object types from a source directory based on a particular condition, for example Users, Computers, Printers. Rori)
connected object scopeобласть подключённых объектов (A filter that identifies object types from a source directory based on a particular condition, for example Users, Computers, Printers)
connected object typeтип подключённых объектов (The object type in the connected system to which the ILM objects are connected)
connected serviceподключённая служба (A service that a user has connected to Windows Live)
connected servicesподключённая служба (A service that a user has connected. Rori)
connected standbyожидание с подключением (Windows 8 ssn)
connected standbyрежим ожидания с подключением (The state that enables a PC to turn on instantly and have tiles and other services update even when the screen is off)
connected standbyрежим ожидания с подключением (Windows 8 ssn)
connected standby exitвыход из режима ожидания с подключением (Windows 8 ssn)
Connected Standby has been disabled due to non-compliant hardwareРежим ожидания с подключением был отключён из-за несовместимости оборудования (Windows 8 ssn)
connected standby supportподдержка режима ожидания с подключением (Windows 8 ssn)
connected system object creation flagфлаг создания объекта в подключённой системе (A parameter of a synchronization rule to indicate whether an object should be created in the connector space if the relationship criteria are not met)
connected system object creation flagфлаг создания объекта в подключённой системе (A parameter of a synchronization rule to indicate whether an object should be created in the connector space if the relationship criteria are not met. Rori)
connected system scopeобласть подключённой системы (A filter that defines what objects on the connected system to include in the target system. Rori)
connected system scopeобласть подключённой системы (A filter that defines what objects on the connected system to include in the target system)
connected userподключённый пользователь (A user who has access to a computer or a resource across the network)
Connects to social networking sites and provides people, activity, and status informationПодключается к сайтам социальных сетей и предоставляет сведения о пользователях, активности и состоянии (Office System 2010 Rori)
direct connectпрямое соединение (The state of being connected to a back-end database, so that any changes you make to a database diagram automatically update your database when you save the diagram or selected items in it)
Get Connected Wizardмастер новых подключений
InstantGo works only with computers designed for Connected StandbyInstantGo работает только с компьютерами, поддерживающими режим ожидания с подключением.
Multiple Connected Sessionсеанс с несколькими подключениями (A feature that allows multiple TCP/IP connections from the initiator to the target for the same iSCSI session)
Occasionally Connected Applicationпериодически подключаемое приложение (сокр. OCA microsoft.com bojana)
pre-connect eventсобытие: подключение начато (Windows 8 ssn)
Simplify the development of connected applications in a service-oriented architecture by using WCFИспользование WCF упрощает развёртывание подключённых приложений в сервис-ориентированной архитектуре (Windows 7 ssn)
Single Connectцентр связи (A collection of features designed to improve Groove's communications infrastructure and routing model in order to increase efficiency and performance)
TCP connect requestзапрос TCP-соединения (The first of three packets used to establish a TCP connection between two computers)
Waiting for users to connect to your adhoc networkОжидание подключения пользователей к вашей сети компьютер-компьютер (Windows Vista SP1 Rori)
Windows Media Connectмультимедиа-центр Windows