
Terms for subject Microsoft containing backward | all forms | exact matches only
backward compatibilityzgodność z poprzednimi wersjami (The capability of source code or programs developed on a more advanced system or compiler version to be executed or compiled by a less advanced (older) version)
backward compatiblezgodny z poprzednimi wersjami (Pertaining to a product or version that is able to interact with previous versions)
backward-compatiblezgodny z poprzednimi wersjami (Pertaining to a product or version that is able to interact with previous versions)
backward passprzejście wstecz (Calculation of late finish and late start dates for project activities, determined by working backward from the project's finish date)
backward planningplanowanie wstecz (A method for determining a production schedule by beginning with the date the order is required to be ready and working backward to the date work must begin in order to meet the required due date)
backward schedulingplanowanie wstecz (A method for determining a production schedule by beginning with the date the order is required to be ready and working backward to the date work must begin in order to meet the required due date)
backward slashukośnik odwrotny (A character used to separate directory names in MS-DOS and UNIX path specifications. When used as a leading character, it means that the path specification begins from the topmost level for that disk drive)