
Terms for subject Microsoft containing SMS | all forms | exact matches only
send SMSотправить SMS-сообщение (To send a text message to a mobile phone from the Skype client. Rori)
SMS Administrator consoleконсоль администрирования SMS (The primary interface that you use to administer SMS. The SMS Administrator console allows you to configure, run, and access SMS features and tools. Rori)
SMS center numberномер SMS-центра (The number used to send and receive messages. Rori)
SMS collectionколлекция SMS
SMS delivery confirmationЗапрашивать отчёт о доставке (A toggle switch to request delivery notification via SMS)
SMS Executiveслужба SMS Executive (The primary Configuration Manager service that accesses and updates the database and manages many different process threads)
SMS Installerустановщик SMS (An SMS tool that enables you to create customized, self-extracting, software installation files)
SMS Providerпоставщик SMS (A WMI provider that allows both read and write access to the Configuration Manager site database)
SMS siteсайт SMS (A collection of clients and SMS site systems that are bounded by a group of subnets, such as IP subnets or an Active Directory site, and which are specified by an SMS administrator as a site Rori)
Windows Live SMS servicesслужбы SMS для Windows Live (An SMS-based service that lets users complete various Windows Live tasks by sending, receiving, and replying to SMS messages. Rori)