
Terms for subject Microsoft containing List | all forms | exact matches only
access control listzoznam prístupových práv (In Windows-based systems, a list of access control entries (ACE) that apply to an entire object, a set of the object's properties, or an individual property of an object, and that define the access granted to one or more security principals)
Add to Contacts ListPridať do zoznamu kontaktov (An item on the shortcut menu that adds a selected person to the user's Contacts list)
address listzoznam adries (A collection of recipient and other Active Directory objects. Each address list can contain one or more types of objects (for example, users, contacts, groups, public folders, conferencing, and other resources))
advanced listrozšírený zoznam (A type of list task page where the primary action is selecting an entity from the list. Users access the advanced list through the Advanced link on the dropdown list. If the user cannot find the information they need on the simple drop-down list, they may choose to view the more complete advanced list where they can view all the fields for a particular entity)
album listzoznam albumov (A page that has a comprehensive list of all the albums in a community)
Allow listzoznam povolených osôb (A list of users, accounts, Web sites, etc. that are permitted to perform certain actions on a network)
Allow listzoznam povolených (A list of users, accounts, Web sites, etc. that are permitted to perform certain actions on a network)
allow listzoznam povolených (A list of users, accounts, Web sites, etc. that are permitted to perform certain actions on a network)
alternate listzoznam alternatívnych slov (A list of alternate words that you can use to correct recognition errors on the writing pad)
Block listZoznam blokovaných kont (A list of users, accounts, Web sites etc. that are prevented from performing certain actions on a network)
block listzoznam blokovaných (A list of users, accounts, Web sites etc. that are prevented from performing certain actions on a network)
Block listzoznam blokovaných (A list of users, accounts, Web sites etc. that are prevented from performing certain actions on a network)
bulleted listzoznam s odrážkami (A list in which each item or block of text is preceded by a bullet)
certificate revocation listzoznam zrušených certifikátov (A document maintained and published by a certification authority that lists certificates that have been revoked)
certificate revocation list distribution pointdistribučný bod zoznamu zrušených certifikátov (A certificate extension that indicates where the certificate revocation list for a CA can be retrieved. It can contain none, one, or many HTTP, file, or LDAP URLs)
certificate trust listzoznam dôveryhodných certifikátov (A signed list of root certification authority certificates that an administrator considers reputable for designated purposes, such as client authentication or secure e-mail)
Common RSS Feed Listspoločný zoznam informačných kanálov RSS (A feature of Windows which maintains a common list of the user's subscriptions across all applications. This allows the user to subscribe to a feed once and have all RSS-enabled applications able to access the common list to view the subscriptions)
compression exclusion listzoznam vylúčení z kompresie (A list of files that are not compressed when capturing an image using ImageX. Some files do not shrink in size when compressed. When capturing an image, you can identify these files to ImageX to save time. These files will still be captured, but ImageX will not attempt to compress them)
contact listzoznam kontaktov (A list of people, groups, or organizations with whom you communicate)
Contacts listZoznam kontaktov (A list of people, groups, or organizations with whom you communicate)
Custom Animation listzoznam Vlastné animácie (The list of animation sequences for a slide. Items are listed in the order in which they are added, and include icons that indicate timing in relation to other animation events)
Daily Task ListZoznam denných úloh (" The name of a pane at the bottom of the Calendar module where tasks are displayed. Tasks that are completed on a particular day "stick" to the day and are shown as a record of what work was performed on that day. Tasks not completed roll over to the next day and accumulate until completed.")
discount listzoznam zliav (A group of price reductions that can be applied to a product based on volume purchased)
discretionary access control listvoliteľný zoznam prístupových práv (An access control list that is controlled by the owner of an object and that specifies the access particular users or groups can have to the object)
distribution listdistribučný zoznam (A collection of users, computers, contacts, and other groups that is used only for e-mail distribution, and addressed as a single recipient)
-do listzoznam úloh
driver protection listzoznam problémových ovládačov (A list of drivers known to cause instabilities when installed under Microsoft Windows XP and later versions. The list is checked at the following times: during installation of Windows; each time the system is rebooted; each time a device or application is installed)
drop-down list boxrozbaľovací zoznam (A control on a menu, toolbar, dialog box, or data access page that displays a list of options when you click the small arrow next to the list box)
Edit Field Value ListsUpraviť zoznamy hodnôt polí (A list, accessed on the Business Contact Manager menu, in which the user can manage the format and content of user-defined field values)
extended-selection list boxpole so zoznamom rozšíreného výberu (A list box that supports multiple selection, but is optimized for a selection of a single object or single range. See also extended selection and list box)
External Data Related Listzoznam súvisiacich externých údajov (A Web Part that displays a list of related external items from a business application)
External Data Related List Web Partwebová časť zoznamu súvisiacich externých údajov (A Web Part that displays a list of related external items from a business application)
external listexterný zoznam (A Windows SharePoint Services or SharePoint Server list from an external content type)
external list deploymentnasadenie externého zoznamu (Automated deployment of a simple solution for BCS, using ClickOnce technology. An example would be taking an external list offline to Outlook or SharePoint Workspace)
Folder Listzoznam priečinkov (A menu option that displays the folders available in your mailbox)
friends listzoznam priateľov (A list of people, invited by the user, that includes the display picture, notes, and tags for each friend)
global address listglobálny zoznam adries (An Address Book that contains entries for every group, user, and contact within an organization's implementation of Exchange Server)
History listzoznam História (A list of the last 10 files you jumped to in the current program session using hyperlinks)
homework listzoznam povolených aplikácií a lokalít (A list of apps and websites of any type that a parent chooses which a child can use at any time and for as long as necessary outside of curfew hours)
IP allow listzoznam povolených IP adries (" A list of IP addresses that are considered "safe" by an authority. IP addresses in this list are allowed access to a given resource or web service and are thereby excluded from further processing of access control policies that would otherwise be used to determine the validity of that clients request for access. For example, an IP allow list can be used to exclude a trusted set of clients from needing to use a second-factor of authentication to sign in to a web service, while other clients that are not in the list would have no other choice but to provide a second-factor method to be successfully authenticated.")
IP Allow listzoznam povolených adries IP (" A filtering list that is used by the Connection Filter agent in Exchange Server 2007. IP addresses on the IP Allow list are considered "safe" and are exempted from processing by other anti-spam agents.")
IP Block listzoznam nepovolených adries IP (A filtering list that is used by the Connection Filter agent in Exchange Server 2007. IP addresses on the IP Block list are considered spam. Messages originating from an IP address that is on the IP Block list are stopped from entering the Exchange organization)
Jump ListZoznam odkazov (A feature of Windows that provide right-click access from taskbar program buttons to the documents, pictures, songs, or websites a user frequently accesses)
List Builderslužba List Builder (An online service for your marketing campaign that allows you to acquire and manage e-mail lists, and to track the results)
List Builder Subscriberobjednávateľ služby List Builder (An individual who has indicated his or her desire to be on a mailing list)
list controlovládací prvok zoznam (A control on a form, that repeats as needed, into which users can enter text. The control can be formatted as a bulleted, numbered, or plain list)
list controlzoznam (A control on a form, that repeats as needed, into which users can enter text. The control can be formatted as a bulleted, numbered, or plain list)
list indexindex v zozname (The sequence of numbers for items in a list, starting with 0 for the first item, 1 for the second item, and so forth)
marketing listmarketingový zoznam (A group of accounts contacts or leads who are identified through their demographics as people or businesses who might be the most receptive to a campaign. For example to introduce a new product you can create a marketing list of accounts that have previously purchased similar products and send them brochures about the new product)
Master Category Listhlavný zoznam kategórií (The list of categories that you can use to group items or to find items. This list contains general categories such as Business, Personal, and Phone Calls. You can add categories to and delete categories from this list)
message listzoznam správ (The middle part of the main Outlook window that displays the contents of the selected folder)
MFU listzoznam najčastejšie používaných programov (A list of applications that the end user has recently used or uses frequently)
multiple-selection list boxzoznam s možnosťou výberu viacerých položiek (A list box that is optimized for making multiple, independent selections)
multiple-selection list boxpole so zoznamom viacnásobného výberu (A list box that is optimized for making multiple, independent selections)
notify listzoznam oznámení (A list maintained by the primary master for a zone of other DNS servers that should be notified when zone changes occur. The notify list is made up of IP addresses for DNS servers configured as secondary masters for the zone. When the listed servers are notified of a change to the zone, they will initiate a zone transfer with another DNS server and update the zone)
numbered listčíslované zoznamy (A list in which each item or block of text is preceded by a number)
opt-out listzoznam používateľov odhlasujúcich odber (A list of users who have chosen to opt-out of a mailing list)
participant listzoznam účastníkov (In a conversation window, this is the list of people who are currently participating in the conversation)
percent of listpercento ceny podľa cenníka (A pricing method that determines the unit price of the product as a percent of the price that was entered in the List Price field on the Product form)
PerformancePoint Content Listzoznam obsahu služby PerformancePoint (A list that stores the elements that are used to construct a PerformancePoint dashboard)
permissions listzoznam povolení (A list in the Options dialog box, on the Privacy tab, that displays the people or domains for which the user has set permissions)
phrase listzoznam výrazov (" A list of possible values for a particular Input Scope to enhance voice/handwritten recognition. For example, if you're sure the textbox only has months represented numerically, you can include "6" or "12" in the phrase list, so that the handwritten numbers are not misinterpreted as "G" or "IZ", respectively.")
Pin this listPripnúť tento zoznam (To fix a list in a given area of the UI, so it is always accessible in that area)
price listcenník (A compilation of the specific prices that can be charged for each unit in the unit group of a product)
price listcenník (A compilation of the specific prices that can be charged for each unit in the unit group of a product)
price list itempoložka v cenníku (The individual elements that represent the product and properties that compose a price list)
Product and Service Items listzoznam produktov a služieb (A tabulation of goods and services that one purchases or sells, or offers for purchase or sale)
Reading ListZoznam odkazov (The app where users can save links to content (such as articles or videos) and then quickly return to them later)
Remove from Contact ListOdstrániť zo zoznamu kontaktov (An item on a contact's context menu to remove a contact from the contact list)
safe list collectionkolekcia bezpečných zoznamov (The combined data from an Office Outlook user's Safe Senders List, Safe Recipients List, Blocked Senders List, and external contacts, that is stored in Outlook and in the Exchange mailbox)
Safe Recipients Listzoznam dôveryhodných príjemcov (A list that includes the e-mail addresses of mailing lists for which you want to be a recipient. Messages sent to such a mailing list and received by you will not be treated as junk e-mail)
Safe Senders Listzoznam dôveryhodných odosielateľov (A list of domain names and e-mail addresses that you want to receive messages from. E-mail addresses in Contacts and in the Global Address Book are included in this list by default. People you sent messages to will be added to the list)
scatter/gather listzoznam prístupu scatter/gather (A list of one or more paired base addresses and lengths that describe the physical locations from which to transfer data in scatter/gather direct memory access)
SharePoint listzoznam služby SharePoint (A site element that stores and displays a collection of data that team members and other site users can share)
SharePoint list indicatorindikátor zoznamu lokality SharePoint (The title of a dialog page that enables the user to set up a SharePoint list indicator by setting name, description, list URL, indicator value, indicator appearance, etc. The indicator value can be specified based on number or percentage of certain column values, or certain aggregate data)
single-selection list boxpole so zoznamom jednoduchého výberu (A list box that supports only selection of a single item in the list)
supervision listkontrolný zoznam (The list of e-mail addresses or users that are subject to or excepted from the actions of the closed campus supervision policy or anti-bullying supervision policy)
supervision list entrypoložka kontrolného zoznamu (" An individual item on the list of e-mail addresses or users that are subject to or excepted from the actions of the closed campus supervision policy or anti-bullying supervision policy. For example, a bully's e-mail address would be an entry on the supervision list of a "victim", and a parent's e-mail address might be added as an entry on the supervision list of their child, who is a student subject to the closed campus supervision policy. ")
system access control listzoznam systémových prístupových práv (An ACL that controls the generation of audit messages for attempts to access a securable object. The ability to get or set an object's SACL is controlled by a privilege typically held only by system administrators)
task listzoznam úloh (A list of tasks that appears in the Tasks folder and in the TaskPad in Calendar)
to-do listzoznam úloh (A list of tasks that are not associated with a project schedule)
update listaktualizácie (A list that includes the name of the person who originally sent a task request plus the names of everyone who received the task request, reassigned the task to someone else, or chose to keep an updated copy of the task in their task list)
value listzoznam hodnôt (A list of values used by some application, such as a database, as a search string or as values for a filtered query)
Windows Reading ListWindows Zoznam odkazov (The app where users can save links to content (such as articles or videos) and then quickly return to them later)