
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Light | all forms | exact matches only
ambient light sensorαισθητήρας φωτισμού περιβάλλοντος (A type of light sensor that tracks ambient light in the surroundings and therefore the amount of backlight needed for the LCD screen to be adjusted accordingly)
directional lightφωτισμός κατεύθυνσης (A light source that is attached to a frame but appears to illuminate all objects with equal intensity, as if it were at an infinite distance from the objects. Directional light has orientation but no position, and it is commonly used to simulate distant light sources, such as the sun)
extra-lightπολύ λεπτά (Having a font weight that corresponds to a weight class value of 200 according to the OpenType specification)
light dismissδιακριτική εξαφάνιση (An effect in which a UI element, such as a flyout, disappears when the user touches anywhere on the screen outside of the element)
light sensorαισθητήρας φωτισμού (A category of sensor that responds to a pre-defined amount of light)
light sourceπηγή φωτός (In computer graphics, the imaginary location of a source of light, which determines the shading in an image)
maelstrom lightφως δίνης (The bottom triangular blue light located furthest from the entrance to the hyperspace chute in 3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet)
semi-lightημι-λεπτά (Having a font weight that corresponds to a weight class value of 350 according to the OpenType specification)
ultra-lightυπερ-λεπτά (Having a font weight that corresponds to a weight class value of 200 according to the OpenType specification)