
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Dokument | all forms | exact matches only
aktives Dokumentactive document (A document that contains ActiveX controls, Java applets, HTML pages, or document objects for display in Internet Explorer)
Architektur klinischer DokumenteClinical Document Architecture (The standard format used to define how patient health information is transferred between systems)
Cache für Microsoft Office-DokumenteMicrosoft Office Document Cache (A client-side cache for documents that are stored on Web servers. Documents are seamlessly replicated from this local cache, and uploaded to servers as required, enabling faster and more robust file access)
Cache für Office-DokumenteOffice Document Cache (A client-side cache for documents that are stored on Web servers. Documents are seamlessly replicated from this local cache, and uploaded to servers as required, enabling faster and more robust file access)
Dokument-ExplorerDocument Explorer (A utility in Windows that enables the user to locate and open files and folders)
Dokument-IDDocument ID (A unique, persistent identifier assigned to a document or other item in SharePoint Server that allows it to be referenced and retrieved regardless of its location)
Dokument zur Versorgungskontinuitätcontinuity of care document (A standard format used to transfer patient health information between systems)
Eigene DokumenteMy Documents (A folder that provides you with a convenient place to store documents, graphics, or other files you want to access quickly. When you save a file in a program such as WordPad or Paint, the file is automatically saved in My Documents, unless you choose a different folder)
einheitlich dargestelltes Dokumentfixed document (A document format that displays a page exactly as the author intended, independent of the viewer's screen size or window size, dots per inch (dpi), available fonts, or any other system-specific settings. The page renders the same on any compatible device, ensuring a consistent experience for all users)
erweiterte Verfügbarkeit von DokumentenEnhanced Document Availability (A set of Microsoft Exchange features that offers increased access to documents even when the documents are located on an internal network or the software required to view the documents is not installed on the client computer)
gültiges XML-Dokumentvalid XML (A well-formed XML document that conforms to a specific set of constraints, usually defined in an XML schema)
neu gezogenes Dokumentredrawn document (A document that is recreated to resolve a problem or reflect a change, such as a protested bill of exchange or an honored promissory note)
Such-URL für die Dokument-IDDocument ID Lookup URL (A URL that is based on a query using the Document ID rather than the physical location of the item)
Vertrauenswürdige DokumenteTrusted Documents (A feature that allows the user to indicate that a document is trusted, and therefore can be opened without security notifications, so long as the filepath and creation time of the document remain unchanged)
Virtueller Ordner für DokumenteDocument Virtual Folder (A feature that allows the user to group files by any criteria and display them in one place)