
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Debugging | all forms | exact matches only
Disable Script DebuggingОтключить отладку сценариев (Alex Lilo)
JIT debuggingJIT-отладка (A technique that catches faults that occur while the program is running outside the development environment. You must set this option in the development environment before executing your program)
just-in-time debuggingJIT-отладка (A technique that catches faults that occur while the program is running outside the development environment. You must set this option in the development environment before executing your program)
rare event debuggingотладка редких событий (Visual Studio Web Tooling 2012 ssn)
remote debuggingудалённая отладка (The use of Visual Studio on one computer (the host computer) to debug an application that is running on another computer (the target or remote computer))
remote debugging monitorмонитор удалённой отладки (ssn)