
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Automated | all forms | exact matches only
automated activityавтоматическое действие (An activity that is automatically completed by Service Manager)
Automated Clearing Houseсистема ACH (An electronic funds transfer system available in the United States that facilitates the transfer of funds between receiving party and originating party bank accounts)
automated deployment processавтоматизированный процесс развёртывания (Alex_Odeychuk)
automated installation kitпакет автоматической установки (AIK microsoft.com bojana)
Automated System Recoveryавтоматическое восстановление системы
Automated System Recovery Preparation Wizardмастер подготовки автоматического восстановления системы (A wizard that backs up the partition used by the operating system, but it does not back up other partitions, such as program or data partitions. Those partitions must be backed up using Backup or other standard routines)
automated taskавтоматизированная задача (A workflow task that is completed by an automatic operation)
automated testавтоматический тест (A set of steps that a computer may run programmatically to test the functionality of the system)
Good Automated Manufacturing PracticeGAMP-стандарты (Guidelines, originally developed for the pharmaceutical industry and used in the healthcare industry, for validating that automated systems meet agreed-upon specifications and comply with regulations)
National Automated Clearing House AssociationНациональная ассоциация автоматизированных клиринговых палат, NACHA (An organization that operates the Automated Clearing House (ACH) Network)
Windows Automated Installation Kitпакет автоматической установки Windows (A Microsoft suite of tools designed to help original equipment manufacturers, system builders, and corporate IT professionals customize, automate, and deploy Windows Vista operating system onto new hardware)