
Terms for subject Pharmacy and pharmacology containing substance | all forms | exact matches only
nouvelle substance activenew active substance
substance abortiveabortifacient drug
substance abortiveabortive
substance abortiveabortifacient
substance activeactive constituent
substance activepharmacologically active substance
substance active formuléeformulated active substance
substance biologiquebiological substance
substance classifiéescheduled substance
substance contrôléesubstance under control
substance contrôléecontrolled substance
substance de contrasteradiocontrast agent
substance de contrasteradiographic contrast agent
substance de contrastecontrast medium
substance de contrastecontrast material
substance de référencereference substance
substance inactiveinactive substance
substance inactiveinactive agent
substance provoquant une accoutumancehabit-forming drug
substance psychotropepsychoactive substance
substance psychotropepsycho-active substance
substance psychotropepsycho-active drug
substance pâteusepaste-like substance
substance teratogèneteratogenic substance
substance teratogèneteratogen
substance végétale broyéecomminuted herbal substance
substances animales utilisées pour la préparation des produits pharmaceutiquesanimal products of a kind used in the preparation of pharmaceutical products
substances avec un nombre esubstances with an e number
substances basalesbasic substance
substances d'origine végétalesubstances of vegetable origin
substances généralement reconnues comme inoffensivessubstances generally recognised as safe
substances psychoactivespsychoactive substance
substances psychoactivespsychoactive drug
substances utilisées comme additifs alimentaires dans les aliments destinés à la consommation humainesubstances used as food additives in foodstuffs for human consumption
substances utilisées dans les médicaments homéopathiques vétérinairessubstances used in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products
toute substance utilisée dans les médicaments vétérinaires homéopathiques à condition que sa concentration n'excède pas une partie pour dix milleall substances used in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products provided that their concentration in the product does not exceed one part per ten thousand