
Terms for subject Pharmacy and pharmacology containing fraction | all forms | exact matches only
dryness fractionстепень сухости пара (When the dryness test was developed there was concern that the method was not truly accurate. For example, the test takes a sample from the centre of the steam pipe and does not take account of moisture on the pipe wall or at the bottom of the pipe. For this reason, the term "dryness value" was utilised to demonstrate the difference between the approximation used and the dryness fraction which is an absolute concept. For most purposes the terms dryness value/fraction are interchangeable. Wakeful dormouse)
Fill fractionСтепень заполнения (doctor22)
fine particle fractionреспирабельная фракция (согласно ОФС "Аэродинамическое распределение мелкодисперсных частиц" в ГФ XIII Petrelnik)
fine particle fractionфракция мелкодисперсных частиц (VladStrannik)
microsomal fraction of hepatocytesмикросомальная фракция гепатоцитов (gatamontesa)
mole fraction of soluteмольная доля растворенного вещества (capricolya)
mole fraction of waterмольная доля воды (capricolya)
plasma protein fractionsбелковые фракции плазмы (АТХ группа – B05AA Плазмозамещающие препараты и белковые фракции плазмы vnikitin)