
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing mix | all forms | exact matches only
bulk mix散装混合物参见 bulk explosive
combustible gas mix可燃混合气
conductive mix detonator导电药电雷管电桥为导电药的电雷管
first fire mix速燃点火药
ignition mix点火药由氧化剂和可燃剂组成的,热感度较高、点火能力较强的,用以点燃延期药或直接引爆起爆药的药剂
pre-mix tank预混罐
The two advantages of glass microbubbles are the operator does not need to be concerned with sensitizing the mix and the head pressure of the column of explosive and water does not change the density of the composition药柱和水的扬程压力不会改变这种炸药的密度
The two advantages of glass microbubbles are the operator does not need to be concerned with sensitizing the mix and the head pressure of the column of explosive and water does not change the density of the composition操作人员不必考虑敏化这种混合炸药
The two advantages of glass microbubbles are the operator does not need to be concerned with sensitizing the mix and the head pressure of the column of explosive and water does not change the density of the composition玻璃微球有两个优势: