
Terms for subject United States containing X | all forms | exact matches only
array of low-energy X-ray imaging sensors低能 X 射线成像探测器
broad-band X-ray telescope宽带 X 射线望远镜
Flammability of Children's Sleepwear: sizes 0 through 6x关于儿童睡衣之可燃性尺码:0至6x
Flammability of Children's Sleepwear: sizes 7x through 14x关于儿童睡衣之可燃性尺码:7x至14x
hyper-X launch vehicle高超声速-X 运载火箭
Hyper-X program高超声速演示试验计划
polar ionospheric X-ray imaging experiment极区电离层 X 射线成像实验