
Terms for subject Anti-air artillery containing battery | all forms | exact matches only
battery replaceable unitсменный элемент, заменяемый из ЗИП (isolate the malfunction to a battery replaceable unit (BRU) – выявлять отказы с точностью до сменного элемента, заменяемого из ЗИП 4uzhoj)
firing batteryогневая батарея
firing batteryогневая батарея (PADIL, Patriot Data Information Link, allows the ICC to centralize control of its subordinate firing batteries.)
headquarters batteryбатарея управления (A Patriot battalion consists of a headquarters battery (which includes the Patriot ICC and its operators), a maintenance company, and between four and six "line batteries" 4uzhoj)
LAA batteryзенитная батарея малого калибра (light anti-aircraft battery)
line batteryзенитно-ракетная батарея (A Patriot battalion consists of a headquarters battery (which includes the Patriot ICC and its operators), a maintenance company, and between four and six "line batteries", which are the actual launching batteries that employ the Patriot systems. Each line battery consists of (nominally) six launchers and three or four platoons. 4uzhoj)