
Terms for subject Medical containing губки | all forms | exact matches only
вагинальная губкаvaginal sponge (tanik812)
винтовой замок, соединяющий губки костных кусачек с рукояткамиjaw's base (artery)
вытирать или мыть губкойsponge
гемостатическая губкаhemostatic sponge
гемостатическая губкаabsorbable gelatin sponge
губка для мытья рукscrub sponge (перёд операцией)
губка для чистки зубовtoothette (для детей Midnight_Lady)
губка со спермицидомsponge with spermicide (Andy)
губки кусачекjaws (рабочие части с режущими кромками artery)
желатиновая губкаgelatine sponge
коллагеновая рассасывающаяся губкаcollagen resorbable sponge (для остановки кровотечений KatiaVasileva)
контрацептивная губкаcontraceptive sponge (Dimpassy)
кровоостанавливающий зажим с прямыми губками типа "Москит"straight mosquito forceps
матрица из коллагеновой губкиcollagen sponge matrix (wolferine)
медицинская губкаquinine fungus (лиственничная)
нейрохирургическая губкаcottonoid (cottonoid (countable and uncountable, plural cottonoids) | (uncountable) A certain absorbent material, made primarily of cotton with some felt as well, used for various purposes during surgery. || (countable) An item of this material. ||| Usage notes – As Cottonoid has been a commercial name, the term has occasionally been capitalized.: A Cottonoid® is or also called a nuero pattie, paddie or neurosurgical sponge is an absorbent material, primarily made of cotton or rayon used for absorption, fluid management, tissue protection and dissection in neurosurgical procedures. The word Cottonoid® was a brand of neuro patties by the Johnson and Johnson company and was the first well-known brand of neuro patties (now called Codman Cottonoid®). The term Cottonoid® stuck and is still used today. However, today’s cottonoids® are not made of cotton, they are made of rayon. The only 100% US cotton patties are called Americot®. Rayon was the material of choice because it acted like cotton, costed less and offered less linting. Read more about Cottonoid® Sizes.)
нейрохирургическая губкаneurosurgical sponge (A Cottonoid® is or also called a nuero pattie, paddie or neurosurgical sponge is an absorbent material, primarily made of cotton or rayon used for absorption, fluid management, tissue protection and dissection in neurosurgical procedures. 'More)
ректопексия ивалоновой губкойivalon rectopexy
фибринная гемостатическая губкаhuman fibrin foam
хирургическая губкаsurgical sponge