
Terms for subject Medical containing phase | all forms | exact matches only
aerobic phaseaërobe fase
alveolar gas plateau, phase IIIfase III
anaerobic phaseanaërobe fase
anal phaseanale fase
anal phaseanale erotiek
anal phaseanaalsadistische fase
blastic phaseblastenfase
clinical trial phase Ifase-I klinische trial
clinical trial phase IIfase-II klinische trials
depressive phasedepressieve fase
distribution phaseverdeling
double-blind phasedubbelblindonderzoek
double-blind phasedubbel blind experiment
elimination phaseverdwijning
elimination phaseplasmaverdwijning
ergotropic phaseergotrope fase
Hinselmann phasesstadia van Hinselmann
induction phaseinductieperiode
initial phaseaanvangsstadium
initial phasebeginstadium
initial phaseaanvangsfase
isometric phase of systoleaanspanningstijd
log phaselog-fase
logarithmic phaselog-fase
one-word phaseeen-woord-stadium
oral phaseorale fase
oral phaseoraal stadium
oral-sadistic phasesado-oraal stadium
phase-contrast imagingfasecontrast-radiografie
phase contrast magnetic resonance angiographyphase-contrast-MRA
phase contrast magnetic resonance angiographyPC-MRA
phase contrast MRAphase-contrast-MRA
phase contrast MRAPC-MRA
phase IIIalveolair plateau
phase of defencemonocytaire"Ueberwindungsphase"
phase of defencemonocytaire "Abwehrphase"
phases of longitudinal growthgroeifasen
post-menopausal phasepostmenopauze
proliferative phasestadium proliferativum
second systolic phaseuitdrijvingstijd
sensible phasegevoelige periode
solid phase microplatemicrotiterplaat voor de vaste drager
solid-phase synthesissynthese in vaste fase
three-phase X-ray unitdraaistroomapparaat
washout phaseuitwasperiode