
Terms for subject Medical containing becoming | all forms | exact matches only
become a fixed conditionпринять устойчивый характер (Vladimir Shevchuk)
become addictedстать зависимым (Andrey Truhachev)
become addictiveприводить к зависимости (especially the fact, she said, that cigarettes quickly become addictive Andrey Truhachev)
become addictiveприводить к привыканию (especially the fact, she said, that cigarettes quickly become addictive Andrey Truhachev)
become addictiveвызывать зависимость (especially the fact, she said, that cigarettes quickly become addictive Andrey Truhachev)
become alcohol-dependentпристраститься к алкоголю (Юрий Гомон)
become blockedзалечь (pf of залегать)
become blockedзалегать (impf of залечь)
become dependent on narcoticsстановиться наркозависимым (New York Times; напр., These are the patients who develop secondary illness, undergo needless procedures and surgery, and become dependent on narcotics in their desperate search for pain relief. Alex_Odeychuk)
become emaciatedистощаться
become exhaustedистощаться
become illзаболевать
become illзаболеть
become infectedинфицироваться (Andrey Truhachev)
become infested with liceвшиветь (impf of завшиветь, обовшиветь)
become infested with liceзавшиветь (pf of вшиветь)
become inflamedраздражаться (impf of раздражиться)
become inflamedраздражиться (pf of раздражаться)
become inflamedраздражиться
become inflamedраздражаться
become lice-riddenовшиветь
become lousyвшиветь (impf завшиветь, обовшиветь)
become lousyзавшиветь
become numbзатекать
become numbокостенеть (pf of окостеневать)
become numbокостеневать (impf of окостенеть)
become sicklyхилеть (impf of захилеть)
become sterileстерилизоваться (impf and pf)
become stiffокостенеть (pf of окостеневать)
become stiffокоченевать (impf of окоченеть)
become stiffокостеневать (impf of окостенеть)
become swollenвспухать (impf of вспухнуть)
become unwellзаболеть (When you become unwell, with a cold or the flu, your sinuses increase their mucus production Гевар)
of a person become weakчахнуть (impf of зачахнуть)
become weakхилеть (impf of захилеть)
becoming illзаболевший
he became a quadriplegicон был парализован ниже плеч (Dude67)
he became a quadriplegicего полностью парализовало (Dude67)
patient became conversationally dyspneicу больного появилась одышка при разговоре (paseal)