
Terms for subject Medical containing To | all forms | exact matches only
ability to contractkontraktionsevne
ability to establish social contactsevne til at opnå kontakt
ability to induce chromosonal aberrationsevne til at inducere kromosomforandringer
ability to induce immunityevne til at inducere immunitet
ability to influencedominans
ability to interactevne til gensidig påvirkning
ability to move spontaneouslymotilitet
ability to obtain homogeneous mixturesevne til at danne homogene blandinger
ability to perform the sexual actsexuel evne
ability to perform the sexual actpotens
ability to thinktænkeevne
able to split moleculesproteolytisk
absence of the law of property in relation to the embryomangel på lov om ejendomsretten til embryo
access to the deposited biological materialdet deponerede biologiske materiale gøres tilgængeligt
adaptation to coldkuldetilvænning
adaptation to coldkuldeadaptation
addiction to narcoticsnarkomani
addiction to narcoticseufomani
adding water to split a compoundhydrolyse
administering to animalsanvendelse på alle dyr
agent used to diagnose the state of immunitymiddel,som anvendes til diagnosticering af immunitetstilstande
agent used to produce active immunitymiddel,som anvendes til at fremkalde en aktiv immunitet
agent used to produce passive immunitymiddel,som anvendes jor at fremkalde en passiv immunitet
alcohol abuse owing to distresselendigheds-alkoholisme
allergy to contrast mediakontrastmiddelallergi
allergy to contrast mediaallergi over for kontraststoffer
allergy to peanutjordnøddeallergi
allergy to penicillinepenicillinallergi
allergy to rubbergummiallergi
allergy to spiceskrydderi-allergi
allergy to wormsormeallergi
altered awareness of pain due to drugsneuroleptanalgesia
amount still to be paid upikke-indbetalt beløb
animal to be reareddyr i opdræt
animal to be rearedopdræt
animal to be rearedavlsdyr
annual doses to the operatorsdriftspersonalets årsdosis
anorectal inflammation due to hemorrhoidsinficerede hæmorider
antigen homologous to the antibodyantigen,der svarer til det antistof
applied to the surfacetopisk
asthma due to effortbelastningsasthma
attitude to the drug problemholdningen til narkotikaproblemet
average age corresponding to children's weighttil legemsvægten svarende alder
average age corresponding to children's weightvægtalder
average age corresponding to children's weightaldersvægt
to be reduced to powder formredigatur in pulverem
to be reduced to powder formpulveriseres
bleeding to deathforblødning (exsanguinatio)
blood spots, bruising and discolouring to skinpurpura
body donation to scienceat donere sin krop til videnskaben
branch of hyparterial bronchus to middle lobe of right lunghøjre mellemlapsbronchus
branch to the carotid sinussinusnerven
chromosomal resistance to the additivekromosomal resistens over for tilsætningsstoffet
classification of dental anomalies according to the Bonn SchoolBonnsystem
clause relating to conscientious objectionparagraf vedrørende nægtelse af samvittighedsgrunde
clinical procedure to the fertilised eggklinisk påvirkning af det befrugtede æg
CO impedes the transport of O2 because it is closely linked to haemoglobinCO blokerer O2-transporten,fordi det bindes kraftigt til hæmoglobin
code of conduct to combat the use of drugskodeks for antidoping-adfærd
Community action in the field of information technology and telecommunications applied to health care-Advanced informatics in medicine-Exploratory actionFællesskabsaktion vedrørende anvendelse af informationsteknologi og telekommunikation i sundhedssektoren-avanceret informatik på det medicinske område-sonderende aktion
Community action to combat the use of drugs, including the abuse of medicinal products, particularly in sportFællesskabsaktion for doping-bekæmpelse,herunder også medicinmisbrug,inden for sporten
condition related to painful periodsendometriosis
conflicts giving rise to insomniakonflikter der forårsager søvnløshed
conjunctivitis due to iodine allergyjodconjunctivitis
connecting the lacrimal sac to the inferior meatus of the noseductus nasolacrimalis
connecting the lacrimal sac to the inferior meatus of the nosetåregang
conscious decision to work with biological agentsbevidst beslutning om arbejde med biologiske agenser
constipation due to psychological stressstressudløst obstipation
control group not exposed to the vehiculekontrolgruppe,som ikke eksponeres for vehiklet
cusp-to-cusp relationshipcuspis-til-cuspis sammenbid
cut to vagina in childbirthepisiotomi
damage to the genetic apparatusskade på det genetiske apparat
deconditioning according to Pavlov methoddeconditionering
deconditioning according to Pavlov methodafbetingen
deformity due to gaping occlusionbelastningsdeformitet
deformity due to stressbelastningsdeformitet
dermatitis due to pyridinepyridindermatitis
desensitization to allergensdesensibilisering (desensibilisatio)
destructive to bone marrowmyelotoksisk
destructive to nerve tissueneurotoksisk
destructive to the kidneysnephrotoksisk
development of over-sensitivity to sunlightfotosensibilitet
disease linked to the sex chromosomekønsbunden sygdom
disturbed ability to establish contactskontakthæmning
disturbed ability to establish contactskontaktforstyrrelse
doctor's duty to visit the sickpligt til sygebesøg
doctor's obligation to give solicited informationlægelig oplysningspligt
dose to the abdomenunderlivsdosis
dose to the skinhudbestråling
dose to the skinbelastningsdosis
drug to deaden sensationanæstetisk
drug-to-disease interactionsinteraktion
drug-to-drug interactionslægemiddel-lægemiddel-interaktioner
drug-to-food interactionsinteraktioner mellem lægemidler og fødemidler
drug to help breathingbronchiedilatation
drug to increase urine outputdiuretika
drug to promote uric acid excretionurikosuri
drug to stop breakdown of blood clotsantifibrinolytisk
drug to stop immune responseimmunosuppressive stoffer
drug used to produce remissionlægemiddel, der anvendes til at frembringe remission
drugs used to treat depressiontricyklisk
dyspnea due to exertiondyspnée d'effort
dyspnea due to exertionbelastningsdynpnø
ear-to-voice linkakustisk feed-back
egg fertilised with a view to insertionæg befrugtet med henblik på insertion
emergency exposure to external radiationsplanlagt strålingsudsættelse i nødstilfælde
encephalomyocarditis due to coxsackieCoxsackie-virus-induceret encefalomyokardit
end-to-end anastomosisterminoterminal anastomose
end-to-end anastomosisend-to-end anastomose
end-to-side anastomosisterminolateral anastomose
end-to-side anastomosisend-to-side anastomose
entitlement to dividendsoppebære udbytte
epidermolysis due to drugmedikamentel epidermolyse (epidermolysis)
equipment to assist human sensorsapparat til hjælp for sanseorganerne
excess mortality due to lung canceroverdødelighedsrisiko på grund af lungekræft
excessive sensitiveness to painhyperalgesi
exposure to carcinogenic chemicalseksponering for karcinogene kemiske forbindelser
exposure to lead poisoningudsættelse for blyforgiftning
exposure to radiationudsættelse for stråling
exposure to radiationstrålingseksposition
exposure to the agent of the diseasesmitte med den pågældende sygdom
failure to conformmanglende overensstemmelse
failure to notify illnessundladelse af at give oplysning om sygdom
fixation to the promontory of the sacrumpromontoriefixation
flexion bandage according to Hoffmann-DaimlerHoffmann-Daimler's flexions-abduktionsbandage
follow-up data relating to the therapykønsbunden arvelig sygdom
gangrene due to ergotismergotisme (ergotismus gangraenosus)
gangrene due to ergotismignis sacer (ergotismus gangraenosus)
genetic screening for predispositions to diseasesgenetisk screening for anlæg for sygdomme
genetic transfer to germinal cellsgenetisk overføring til germinalcelle
going to the toilet a lotpolyuria
haemolytic anaemia secondary to glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiencyhæmolytisk anæmi som følge af G6PD-mangel
haemolytic anaemia secondary to G6PD deficiencyhæmolytisk anæmi som følge af G6PD-mangel
haemolytic anaemia secondary to pyruvate kinase deficiencyhæmolytisk anæmi som følge af pyruvat-kinase-mangel
haemolytic sensitivity to peroxidehæmolytisk følsomhed over for peroxid
haemorrhoids due to diarrhoeal disordershæmoroider som følge af diaré
hemolytic anemia secondary to glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiencyhæmolytisk anæmi som følge af G6PD-mangel
hemolytic anemia secondary to G6PD deficiencyhæmolytisk anæmi som følge af G6PD-mangel
hemolytic anemia secondary to pyruvate kinase deficiencyhæmolytisk anæmi som følge af pyruvat-kinase-mangel
hemorrhoids due to diarrheal disordershæmoroider som følge af diaré
hormonal information sent to the motherhormoninformationer sendt til moderen
hormonal information sent to the motherhormonalt budskab til moderen
hypersensitivity to contrast mediakontrastmiddel-overfølsomhed
hypochromic anaemia due to iron deficiencyanæmi som følge af nedsat hæmoglobinkoncentration og jernmangel
hypochromic anemia due to iron deficiencyanæmi som følge af nedsat hæmoglobinkoncentration og jernmangel
illusion leading to spatial disorientationsanseoplevelser der fører til rumlig desorientering
immunity phenomenon related to procreationimmunitetsfænomen ved formering
inability to concentratekoncentrationssvækkelse
incidental exposure to biological agentsutilsigtet eksponering for biologiske agenser
incitement to abortionopfordring til at foretage illegal abort
increased sensitivity to stimulationhyperæstesi
index of admissions to hospitalhospitalsindlæggelsesoversigt
induction of resistance to canavanine and cycloheximideinduktion af canavanin-resistens og cycloheximid-resistens
infectious arthritis due to Brucella speciesartrit ved febris undulans caprina
infectious arthritis due to Brucella speciesartrit ved Maltafeber
inhalation equipment designed to sustain a dynamic air flowinhalationsapparatur, der er således udformet, at der kan opretholdes en dynamisk luftgennemstrømning
injury to the intimaintimalæsion
instrument to measure rate of breathinginstrument til åndedrætsmåling
intolerance to lightfotofobi
involving the skin attaching various organs to the bodymesenterial
isoimmunization due to maternal/fetal incompatibilityføtal erytroblastose
isoimmunization due to maternal/foetal incompatibilityføtal erytroblastose
joint lesions due to caisson diseasevibrations-ledskade
joint lesions due to caisson diseasedekompressions-ledskade
joint lesions due to pneumatic toolsdekompressions-ledskade
joint lesions due to pneumatic toolsvibrations-ledskade
joint luxation owing to distractiondistraktionsluxation
knockout blow to the chinknockout med kæbestød
late injury from exposure to coldsenskade efter kuldepåvirkning
length from seventh cervical to bust prominencelængde fra syvende halshvirvel til brystpunkt
lichenoid eruptions due to colour developerseksem af fremkaldervæske
limping due to shorteninghinken på grund af forkortning
lost to follow-upfrafald
malignant disease of the face due to staphylococcimalign ansigtsstafylokokkose
management of exposure to radiationstyring af strålingsudsættelse
material to be sterilisedgods til sterilisering
maximal dosis to childrenmaximaldosis for børn
to maximize the exposure by inhalation to the test substanceden maksimalt mulige eksponering for teststoffet ved inhalering
medicinal product used to confer an immunitymedicinsk præparat, som anvendes med henblik på at fremkalde en immunitet
medicinal product used to diagnose the state of immunitymedicinsk præparat, som anvendes med henblik på at bestemme immunitetsgraden
moderate to severe erythemamoderat til svært erytem
mountain-climber's fatality due to circulatory failurebjergdød
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation methodmund-til-næsemetode
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation methodmund-til-mund metode
multiple infections due to immunodeficiencymangeartede infektioner,der skyldes defekt i immunforsvaret
muscular rigidity caused by exposure to coldstivhed af kulde
needing to go to the toileturge-incontinens
neurosis owing to failure of behaviour schemesneurose på grund af manglende efterleven af adfærdsskema
newborn subject to infective risksnyfødt som er modtagelig for smitte
no reaction to lightingen lysfølsomhed
not responding to treatmentrefraktær
not to be repeatednon iter
number of embryos necessary to produce pregnancy in a sterile womannødvendige antal embryoer til fremkaldelse af graviditet hos steril kvinde
obligation to inform or explainoplysningspligt
obstacle to tradehandelshindring
open to social contactåben for kontakt
osteoporosis due to inactivityinaktivitetsosteoporose
over-sensitivity to lightfotosensitivitet
pain due to dapplesmerte ved blænding
pericarditis due to myocardial infarctionpericarditis epistenocardiaca
pericarditis due to myocardial infarctioninfarkt-pericardit
period of lactation up to weaninglaktationsperiode indtil fravsenning
peritonitis secondary to perforationperitonitis efter organperforation
permanent injury to healthblivende invaliditet
permanent injury to healthblivende beskadigelse
permissible dose to childrenbørnedosis
person to be analysedanalysand
pertaining to the eyelashes resp.the ciliary bodyciliær (ciliaris)
physical harm to the embryofysisk beskadigelse af embryo
physician's or patient's right to refuse medical treatmentbehandlingsvægring
Plan of action in the framework of the 1991 to 1993 "Europe against AIDS" programmeHandlingsplan for 1991-1993 inden for rammerne af programmet "Europa mod AIDS"
plastic surgery to cure incontinencekontinensplastik
plastic surgery to cure incontinenceinkontinens-plastik
plastic surgery to restore continenceinkontinens-plastik
plastic surgery to restore continencekontinensplastik
pneumoconiosis owing to blast-furnace dustpneumokoniose af gigtstøv
poisonous to liver cellshepatotoksisk
poisonous to the heartcardiotoksisk (giftigt for hjertet)
potential to accumulateakkumuleringspotentiel
potential to degrade rapidlymulighed til hurtig nedbrydning
predisposition to cancerdisposition til cancer
predisposition to thrombosisthromboseberedskab
product to produce skin sheddingkeratolytika
prolonged reaction to adversitieslangvarig psykisk reaktion
pronounced reduction of the ability to walktydeligt gangbesværede
protection to corrosionVejrbestandighed
readiness to listenakustisk opmærksomhed
reason not to prescribekontraindikation (forhold, der taler imod et indgreb eller en behandling)
recurrent reaction to drug variationtilbagesving
recurrent reaction to drug variationtilbageslag
reduce to fine powdermikronisere
reduced ability to establish social contactskontakthæmning
refusal to take foodspisevægring
refusal to take foodsitofobi
refusal to take foodsitiofobi
relating to an organ in the chest areaviscero-
relating to Galen's methodsgalenika
resistance mechanism to therapymekanisme for resistens over for behandling
resistance to antibioticsantibiotikumresistens
resistance to epidemicsmodstandskraft mod epidemier
resistance to high-altitude anoxiamodstandskraft mod højdeklimavirkninger
resistance to infectionmodstandskraft mod smitte
resistance to infectioninfektionsresistens
responsiveness to insulininsulinfølsomhed
to restore functions to the handicappedgøre de handicappede så funktionsdygtige som muligt
RF ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases, in: Medical terminology codes,1995,CDCperinephritisk absces
RF ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases, in: Medical terminology codes,1995,CDCperinefritisk phlegmone
rheumatism due to filariaefilariose-reumatisme
rheumatism due to gastrointestinal disordersreumatisme som følge af mave-tarm-affektion
right not to be subjected to mental harmret til ikke at blive udsat for psykisk belastning
right to be looked after by the parentsret til at blive passet af forældrene
right to consentsamtykkeret
right to inviolability of the personretten til personlig ukrænkelighed
right-to-left shunthøjre-venstre-shunt
right to own genetic identityretten til egen genetisk identitet
risk of susceptibility to dental caryrisiko for tandcaries
rotational end-to-end anastomosisLillehei-Wangensten's colorectale anastomose
sensitisation to animalssensibilisering over for dyr
sensitivity to dappleblændingsfølsomhed
sensitivity to painsmertefølsomhed
sensitivity to radiationstrålefølsomhed
sensitivity to radiationstrålingsfølsomhed
sensitization to animalssensibilisering over for dyr
series of inoculations from animal to animaldyrepassager
serious danger to physical or mental health of the pregnant womanfare for kvindens liv eller alvorlig forringelse af hendes legemlige eller sjælelige helbred
shortfall of exposure to UV radiationsmanglende eksposition for ultraviolet lys
side-to-end anastomosisside-to-end anastomose
side-to-end anastomosislateroterminal anastomose
side-to-end anastomosisend-to-side anastomose
side-to-side anastomosisside-to-side anastomose
side-to-side anastomosislaterolateral anastomose
signal-to-noise ratiosignal støj forhold
signal-to-noise ratiosignal/støj-forhold
signal-to-noise ratioS N-forhold
skin reaction to tuberculinMantouxprøve
standardised dental examination according to the Bonn SchoolBonnskolens standardiserede tandundersøgelse
sticking to a surfaceadsorptio
strain injury to the brachial plexusafrivningslæsion af plexus brachialis
subject to metabolic breakdownudsat for metabolisk nedbrydning
subject to the provisions relating to Public healthmed forbehold af bestemmelserne vedrørende den offentlige sundhed
substance intended to produce systemic effectsstof,der er bestemt til af frembringe systemiske virkninger
substance known to possess foetal toxicitystof, der antages at være toksiske over for fostret
substance opaque to X-raysstof der er opakt for røntgenstråler
substance opaque to X-rayskontraststof for røntgenstråler
substance tending to nullify effects of anotherantagonist
substance to cause vomitingemetica
substance to kill microorganismsantimikrobial
substance to reduce swellingantiinflammatorisk
substance to simulate sympathetic nervous systemsympathomimetisk
substance to slow urine formationantidiuretisk
substance to stop cell growthcytostatika
substance to stop convulsionsanticonvulsiva
substance to stop decayantioxidant
substance to stop spreadantiproliferativ
substance to stop vomitingantiemetika
susceptibility to a diseasediatese
swelling caused by exposure to coldkuldeprovokeret hævelse
swelling due to fluidødem
symptom related to vasospasmsymptom på vasospasmer
the woman has stated that she is willing to have it implanted at a later datekvinden har udtalt at hun gerne vil have det implanteret på et senere tidspunkt
therapeutic intervention to prevent the manifestation of diseaseprofylaktisk behandling
time as vagina and uterus return to normal after birthpuerperium
topical corticosteroid to be used on the skinkortikosteroid til anvendelse lokalt på huden
Tossach mouth to mouth ventilationmund til mund-metode
toxic to the fetusføtotoksisk
toxicity study to determine the safety of orally administered residuesrestkoncentrationernes toksicitet - oral undersøgelse
transfer of embryos to the uterusindsætning af embryoer i uterus
transfer to the uterus of the genetic motheroverføring til den biologiske moders uterus
treatment by means of injections to correct varicosevaricesklerosering
treatment by means of injections to correct varicosescleroserende behandling af åreknuder
true-to-pattern arch supportortopædisk indlæg
unability to acquire educationuddannelses-uegnethed
uniform safety standards to protect the health of the general publicensartede sikkerhedsnormer til beskyttelse af befolkningens sundhed
up toad
up toq.s.ad
urge to urinatevandladningstrang
using pressure or friction to write on skindermografi
value of activities not to be exceededaktivitetsværdi,som ikke overskrides må
vector to transfer genetic materialvektor til in vitro-overførsel af genmateriale
vital resistance to epidemicsnaturlig modstandskraft mod infektionssygdomme
vomiting due to infectioninfektionsudløst opkastning
witness'ability to declareegnethed som vidne
woman supposed to be pregnantkvinde,der formodes at være gravid