
Terms for subject Securities containing AS | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance qualified as to time期限承兑
act as amiables mediator担任友好调解人
acting as principal以当事人身份
acting as principal以委托人身份
antitrust as a takeover defense反垄断性防御收购
as agent代理人身份
as alternative to S&P 500替代标准普尔500指数
as at到……日为止
as basis for risk of speculation作为投机风险的基础
as limited partner以有限合伙人的身份
as of...从……日开始
as of adjustment立即调整
as of right依法取得的
as principal以交易者身份
as required按照要求
as separate account holder以独立账户持有人的身份
as-you-like-it option任选期权
assets adjustment as a takeover defense以资产调整作为防止收购的手段
assets pledged as collateral作为担保品的资产
assets pledged as security for liabilities负债抵押的资产
bill as security票据担保
bill deposited as collateral security作为担保物的票据
cease to act as principal停止以当事人身份进行的活动
cheque as an assignment of funds转让资金的支票
confirmation of representations and warranties as of closing收市后的表述和保证的确认
contribute the right to the use of land as part of its investment以土地使用权人股
corporations as hedge fund investor作为对冲基金投资者的公司
debt-equity swap as financing technique作为融资手段的债务与权益互换
diversification as investment strategy多元化投资策略
earning retained as capital资本性留存盈利
earning retained as capital留作资本的收益
exchange as per endorsement附注汇兑条款
foreign corporation as U. S. corporation作为美国公司的外国公司
futures price as risk reduction风险降低时的期货价格
have no authority to act as agent无权代理
investing as common partner以普通合伙人的身份投资
investing as common partner以有限责任合伙人的身份投资
investment firms as partners作为合伙人的投资银行
investments classifiable as current assets作为流动资产的投资
investments classifiable as current assets归属流动资产的投资
land counted as investment土地作价投资
large stocks as percentage of大盘股所占比重
litigation as a takeover defense反兼并诉讼
litigation as a takeover defense反接管诉讼
loan on passbook as collateral存折担保贷款
mire in mortgage debt as innocent victims陷人抵押贷款债务成为无辜的受害者
note receivable as collateral以应收票据抵押
note receivable as collateral用应收票据担保
omitted as spent因过期而略去
party to transaction as principal以主事人身份作为交易的一方
pay as you earnPAYE即挣即付
pay as you earn即挣即付
pay as you earnPAYE领工资时交税
pay as you earnPAYE所得税预扣法
pay as you go逐笔结算
perform the regulatory functions as authorized按照授权履行监督管理职责
pledge securities as collateral以有价证券作担保
pooling of land as shares土地人股
power to obtain information as to those interested in shares取得股份权益的所有人资料的权力
preferred stock treated as debt按债务处理的优先股
registered as to interest only只付利息注册债券
registered as to principal only只付本金注册债券
registered bond as to principle only只登记本金的债券
save as you earn定期储蓄计划
securities as long-life assets长期资产证券
securities deposited as collateral担保证券
securities deposited as collateral作担保用存人的证券
speculator as responsible for对……负责的投机者
stock acquisition as asset acquisition作为资产收购的股票收购
stock as capital market instrument作为资本市场投资工具的股票
stock company under mixed ownership with public ownership rights as the principal part混合所有公有制为主的股份公司
stock company with public ownership as the mainstay以公有制为主导的股份公司
stock preferred as to asset优先分配财产的股份
stock preferred as to dividends优先分配股息的股份
technology appraised as capital stock技术人股
timing of crediting accounts as disadvantage信贷账户时机不利
transfer of securities as security for a loan转让证券作为贷款担保
US corporation as foreign corporation作为外国公司的美国公司
use of funds as ear-marked指定用途专款
use of funds as ear-marked专款专用
valid as from自……起生效