
Terms for subject Human resources containing | all forms
人力资源战略角色strategic role of human resources
以团队为基础激励team based incentives
以时间为基础工资time based pay
劳动力人口统计学work force demographics
发展胜任全球化管理行政主管或经理developing globally competent executives or managers
员工选拔程序统一指导方针Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures
因素比较工作评价方法factor comparison job evaluation method
基于佣金工资commission based pay
基于工作工资job based pay
基于技能报酬设计skill based pay design
外国所有物方面控制问题control issues in foreign holdings
外派人员人力资源问题expatriate human resource issues
多样化战略问题strategic issues in diversity
失效绩效考评dysfunctional performance appraisals
学习迁移transfer of learning
工会组织union organizing
工会不公平劳工实践union unfair labor practices
工会与管理层合作union management cooperation
工会主义发展趋势trends in unionism
工会主义影响unionism effect
工会化决定因素unionization determinants
工会对薪金影响union effects on pay
工作分析信息来源job analysis information sources
工作技能培训job skills training
工作评价分类方法classification job evaluation method
工作评估管理问题job evaluation administrative issues
性别角色刻板定型sex role stereotypes
战略性外部采办strategic outsourcing
战略性招聘strategic recruiting
战略性谈判strategic negotiations
无烟工作环境smoke free work environment
有组织劳动者organized labor
测试公平性test fairness
疏忽保留negligent retention
疏忽监管negligent supervision
福利项目演变benefit programs evolution
科学家和工程师事业模式career patterns of scientists and engineers
管理严格医疗福利managed care
组织社会化organizational socialization
绩效评估叙述方法narrative method of performance evaluation
绩效评估核查表法checklist method of performance evaluation
绩效评估认知过程模型cognitive process models of performance appraisal
绩效评估中分布效应distributional effects in performance appraisal
绩效评估过程中影响策略influence tactics in the performance evaluation process
胜任工作知识、技术、能力与其他特征knowledge, skill, ability, and other personal characteristics required for good job performance (KSAOs)
解决争端备选方案alternative dispute resolution
计算机帮助下指导computer-assisted instruction
谈判偏见negotiation biases
酌情处理时间广度time span of discretion
针对非受害者反优先雇佣活动affirmative action for non-victims
非工会职员申诉抱怨程序nonunion employee grievance procedures
面试官误差interviewer errors
顾客导向人力资源管理customer oriented human resource management
高级管理人员报酬executive compensation