
Terms for subject Combustion gas turbines containing от | all forms | exact matches only
воздуходувка с приводом от газовой турбиныgas turbo-blower (для доменной печи)
двигатель с самовоспламенением от сжатияcompression ignition engine
изгибное напряжение от действия газовой струиgas bending stress (в лопатках турбин и компрессоров)
компрессор с приводом от газовой турбиныgas turbo-compressor
нагрев от тренияfrictional heat gain
напряжение, возникающее от охлаждения деталиcooling stress
напряжение от насадки на валshrink stress (диска)
поворот вала турбины от ТПУmotor roll (тиристорно-пускового устройства SergeyLetyagin)
повреждение от всасывания посторонних объектовF.O.D. (foreign object damage Lubovj)
потеря в подшипнике от тренияbearing friction loss
потеря от поворота потокаcorner loss
продувка газовой турбины от горючих газов при @её остановкеpurge credit (CCGTs are also subject to purge requirements to prevent auto-ignition from possible accumulation of combustible gases in the gas turbine, HRSG and exhaust systems. The purge is required before the unit is restarted. Purge times depend on the boiler volume and air flow through the HRSG, and are typically set to about 15 minutes. This purge time adds to the overall start time. In addition, the steam turbine can restrict the GT loading rate if the steam temperature leaving the HRSG exceeds steam turbine limits. To avoid this, temperature matching using GT holds as the load is increased may be necessary. In order to enable faster startup, CCGT manufacturers have attempted to decouple the gas turbine startup from the HRSG and steam turbine warm-up. Process- and equipment-enhanced start options have been developed that can be used under hot start conditions. A "purge credit" allows the system purge to be completed at shutdown, eliminating the requirement for a redundant purge at next startup. The purge credit can only be used in some HRSGs that have no duct burners and where the GT is fired on natural gas only. CCK)
продувка газовой турбины от горючих газов при её остановкеpurge credit (CCGTs are also subject to purge requirements to prevent auto-ignition from possible accumulation of combustible gases in the gas turbine, HRSG and exhaust systems. The purge is required before the unit is restarted. Purge times depend on the boiler volume and air flow through the HRSG, and are typically set to about 15 minutes. This purge time adds to the overall start time. In addition, the steam turbine can restrict the GT loading rate if the steam temperature leaving the HRSG exceeds steam turbine limits. To avoid this, temperature matching using GT holds as the load is increased may be necessary. In order to enable faster startup, CCGT manufacturers have attempted to decouple the gas turbine startup from the HRSG and steam turbine warm-up. Process- and equipment-enhanced start options have been developed that can be used under hot start conditions. A "purge credit" allows the system purge to be completed at shutdown, eliminating the requirement for a redundant purge at next startup. The purge credit can only be used in some HRSGs that have no duct burners and where the GT is fired on natural gas only. CCK)
проставок в составных газотурбинных роторах, передающий крутящий момент от турбины к компрессоруtorque tube
система защиты от помпажаsurge control
тепло от аэродинамического нагреваaerodynamic heat
тепловой поток от стенкиwall heat flux
теплопередача от лопатки к охладителюblade-to-coolant heat transfer
трещина от нагреваhot crack
трещина от тепловых ударовthermal shock crack
турбина с приводом от набегающего воздушного потокаram-air turbine
устройство защиты от погасания пламениflame failure control
устройство защиты от превышения частоты вращения ротораoverspeed trip (LyuFi)
ухудшение параметров в зависимости от высоты над уровнем моряaltitude derate