
Terms for subject Saying containing хоть | all forms | exact matches only
заботы хоть кого в могилу вгонятcare killed the cat (В.И.Макаров)
хоть горшком назови, только в печку не ставьcall me pot if you like it, but don't put me in the stove (=Russian epigram (kind of adage). Meaning: words don't matter, the way something/someone is actually treated does. Also can be translated with other personal pronouns (as there is not an express "me" in the original): 'Call it pot if you want to, but don't put it in the stove." Phyloneer)
хоть пой, хоть плачь, хоть вплавь, хоть вскачьby some means or other (Супру)
хоть пой, хоть плачь, хоть вплавь, хоть вскачьone way or another (Супру)