
Terms for subject Exhibitions containing general | all forms | exact matches only
annual general meeting周年大会
deputy director general副局长
deputy director general副处长
deputy general manager副总经理
director general局长
director general处长
extraordinary general meeting股东特另大会
general admission普通座入场费
general agreement on tariffs and trade关贸总协议
general assembly会员大会
General Assembly of the United Nations联合国大会
general attendee普通参与者
general bureau总务委员会
general cargo普货
general cargo rates普通货物运价
general clearing participant全面结算参与者
general committee总务委员会
general condition通用条件
general conditions of tender招标条件
general debate长时间讨论
general department store merchandise百货商品
general fairs综合博览
general meeting全体会议
general officers总务委员会
general packet radio service通用分组无线服务
general parts通用件
general purpose container多用途集装箱
general rate decrease运价上调
General Rate Increase全面涨价
general rate increase一般性提价
general sales agent销售总代理
general service contractor总承包商
Statistical Audit Bureau for General and Specialized Fairs and Exhibitions普通及专业博览会与展览会统计审计局