
Terms for subject Nautical containing scale | all forms | exact matches only
appendage scale effect factor附体尺度效应增值
Beaufort scale蒲氏风级无风
deadweight scale载重线标尺
displacement scale载重线标尺
hardness scale硬度标准硬度计
Kelvin scale开氏温标绝对温度度数
large-scale military transport aircraft大型军用运输机
ripples with the appearance of scale are formed, but without foam crests鱼鳞状涟漪
scale effect尺度效应缩尺效应
scale preventive防水垢剂
scale rate生锈率积垢率
scale ratio比例尺
scale separator氧化皮清除器清污器
scale solvent水垢的溶剂