
Terms for subject Nautical containing intelligence | all forms | exact matches only
acoustic intelligence data systemсистема обнаружения работы гидроакустических станций
communications intelligenceразведка связи
electronic intelligenceэлектронная разведка
intelligence departmentразведывательный отдел
naval intelligence divisionморское разведывательное управление
navigational intelligenceнавигационная информация
technical intelligenceтехническая разведка (In a pure military context, Technical Intelligence is intelligence about weapons and equipment used by the armed forces of foreign nations... The related term, scientific and technical intelligence, addresses information collected at the strategic (i.e., national) level. wiki – TECHINT Alexander Demidov)
technical intelligenceтехническая разведка (In a pure military context, Technical Intelligence is intelligence about weapons and equipment used by the armed forces of foreign nations... The related term, scientific and technical intelligence, addresses information collected at the strategic (i.e., national) level. wiki , TECHINT)
technical intelligenceтехнические разведывательные данные