
Terms for subject Oil and gas containing involved | all forms | exact matches only
design involvesпроектом предусмотрено ("Design involves parameters such as maximum safe operating pressure and temperature, safety factor, corrosion allowance and minimum design temperature (for brittle fracture)" (findanyanswer.com/is-an-air-compressor-a-pressure-vessel) Bauirjan)
Design shall involveв проекте предусмотреть ("Design involves parameters such as maximum safe operating pressure and temperature, safety factor, corrosion allowance and minimum design temperature for brittle fracture)" findanyanswer.com Bauirjan)
human-involved failureотказ по вине обслуживающего персонала
person involvedучастник происшествия (MichaelBurov)
tier complying with the management level of forces involvedуровень, соответствующий уровню руководства привлекаемыми силами (MichaelBurov)
tier complying with the management level of forces involvedуровень реагирования на аварию (MichaelBurov)