
Terms for subject Firefighting and fire-control systems containing контроль | all forms | exact matches only
автоматическая система пожарной сигнализации, контроля загазованности и пожаротушенияautomatic fire alarm, gas hazard monitoring and fire-fighting system (MariaKol)
гаммаграфический контрольgamma-ray test
задвижки с контролем положенияvalves with position monitoring (Ball Valves with position monitoring offered by Raritan ... vatnik)
комиссия по контролю качества товаров широкого потребленияconsumer product safety commission
контроль за соблюдением законовlaw enforcement
контроль загазованностиsmoke detection (Alexander Demidov)
контроль пожараfire control (Limiting the size of fire by distribution of water so as to decrease the heat release rate and pre-wet adjacent combustibles, while controlling ceiling gas temperatures to avoid structural damage. nfpa.org coopernord)
контроль степени возгоранияOutput fire control (Mythrael)