
Terms for subject Architecture containing massing | all forms | exact matches only
break up the massingнарушить монотонность фасада (To avoid long, boring, pedestrian-hostile facades, architects started "breaking up the massing." Unfortunately, it's usually done poorly and cheaply, causing buildings to look weird, fake, and almost random. (Twitter)  ART Vancouver)
break up the massingпреодолеть монотонность фасада (To avoid long, boring, pedestrian-hostile facades, architects started "breaking up the massing." Unfortunately, it's usually done poorly and cheaply, causing buildings to look weird, fake, and almost random. (Twitter)  ART Vancouver)
breaking up the building massing into smaller sub-volumesчленение архитектурных масс на более мелкие массы (yevsey)
massing modelмакет, демонстрирующий объёмное решение здания (yevsey)