
Terms for subject Automobiles containing scale | all forms | exact matches only
abbreviated injury scale简化的伤害等级
abbreviated injury scale汽车事故受伤程度简略分级汽车事故
automobile scale汽车地秤
Baume scale玻美相对密度计标度
celcius scale摄氏温标
celcius scale摄氏温度
cooling system scale冷却系统水垢
decibels on A-weighted scaleA 级分贝
division scale等分规
division scale分度规
enlargement scale放大比例
expanded scale扩展标度
extra-small-scale production超小批量生产
fluid cold scale冷液体时刻度
fluid hot scale热液体时刻度
full scale1:1 比例
full scale按实物大小尺寸
full-scale collision试验实车碰撞
full-scale draft车身全尺寸图板
full-scale mock-up足尺全尺寸模型
full-scale model足尺全尺寸模型
full-scale range全尺寸范围
full-scale representation mock-up全尺寸造型模型
full-scale wind tunnel全尺寸风洞
Japan Abbreviated Injury Scale日本汽车乘员受伤简略分度法
kelvin absolute temperature scale开氏绝对温标
kelvin scale开氏绝对温标
large-scale experiment放大尺寸的模型试验
large-scale experiment大规模的试验
large-scale integration circuit大规模集成电路
large-scale manufacture大规模批量生产制造
layer of scale硬垢壳
layer of scale垢层
linear scale线性标度尺
medium scale中等规模的
medium middle scale integration中等规模集成
medium scale integration中等规模集成
metal linear scale金属线纹尺
metric scale公制尺
micrometer vernier scale千分尺游标刻度盘
middle scale integration中等规模集成电路每个芯片含100〜1000个功能元件
motor truck scale汽车地磅
optical screen-scale location device光屏-线纹尺定位装置
pH scale水垢 pH 值
pit scale地磅
platform scale
rack scale喷油泵控制齿条齿条标尺位置调整器
reduced scale制图缩尺
reduction scale缩小比例
road freight rate scale道路货物运费率
scale band指示仪器刻度盘范围
scale car量车
scale crust
scale deposit水垢沉积
scale division
scale division标度分格
scale effect尺度缩尺效应例如:缩尺模型在风洞中试验
scale formation水垢氧化皮形成
scale handling清除氧化皮水垢
scale house称量
scale indicator带刻度的指示器
scale loss烧损
scale mark标度标记
scale marks分度线
scale model按比例缩小的缩尺模型
scale-model investigation按比例缩小的缩尺模型研究
scale numbering标度数字
scale of economy经济规模
scale optimization规模最佳
scale pit地秤坑
scale platform地秤平台
scale removal清除氧化皮水垢
scale solvent水垢溶剂
scale spacing标度分格间距
scale spring balance弹簧称
scale test缩尺模型试验
silicate scale硅酸盐水垢
Sill scale全规模的
small-scale experiment缩小尺寸的模型试验
small-scale experiment小规模的试验
small-scale manufacture小批规模生产
small-scale produced小批量生产的
small- scale production量成批生产
small-scale specimen缩尺样品模型
surface scale表面氧化锈,垢
technical service large scale全面技术维护
technical service medium scale中级技术维护保养
technical service small scale简易一级技术维护保养
three-eighth scale model缩至 3/8 的模型
truck scale货车磅地秤
value of scale division标度分格值
vernier scale游标尺刻度盘
very large scale integration电子学超大规模集成
very large scale integration circuit电子学超大规模集成电路
Wim scale动态称量器
zero scale mark分度线见 QC/T213-2007
zero scale mark标度标记