
Terms for subject Automobiles containing motion | all forms | exact matches only
abnormal motion异常运动
angular motion角位移
angular-motion transducer角位移传感器
angular oscillatory motion角振动
angular oscillatory motion角摆动
auxiliary motion辅助运动
back motion向后运动
back motion逆动
back motion返回
backward motion倒车
backward motion向后运动
backward motion逆动
body motion人体运动
bounce motion弹跳运动
braking motion制动运动
charge motion充气运动
compound motion往复运动
constrained motion受约束运动
crank motion曲柄运动
crank motion往复直线运动
cross motion横向交叉运动
differential motion行星齿轮运动
differential motion速运
direct motion直线运动
discontinuous motion不连续间断运动
downward motion向下移动
downward motion向下下降,下行运动
eccentric motion偏心轮进给运动
end motion相对轴向运动
end motion universal joint往复运动式万向节主动和被动件间容许相对轴向运动的万向节
epicyclic motion行星式周转圆运动
fast motion电器快动作
feed motion angle进给运动角
fine motion微动装置
free motion间隙游动
free motion在现有间隙范围内移动
free motion自由移动
freedom of motion运动自由
hopping motion of wheel车轮垂直振动
in motion运动时
in motion在运动中
in-motion shifting行进中移动换档
in-motion weighing动态称重
inboard end motion universal joint可轴向移动式内侧万向节
increasing motion加速有加速度的运动
irregular motion不规则断续运动
irregularly accelerated motion非匀不规则加速运动
irregularly retarded motion非匀不规则减速运动
jerking motion跳,颠簸运
jumping motion垂直振动
jumping motion车轮跳动
lever motion杠杆机构
lever motion由杠杆机构驱动的运动
lifting motion提升动作
lost motion无效花费
lost motion空动从动件运动由于屈服或松弛相对于驱动件运动的滞后
micro motion微动
mixing motion搅拌动作
monkey motion过多额外运动
motion correction运动校核
motion equation运动方程式
motion of revolution旋转运动
motion of rotation旋转运动
motion resistance行驶阻力 (force)
motion resistance运动阻力 (force)
motion sickness晕车
motion thread传动螺纹
motion transducertransmitter运动传送
motion universal joint可轴向移动式万向节
motion universal joint主动和被动件间容许相对轴向运动的万向节
motion weighing驶过地秤称重
motion work机构运动部分
needle-motion sensor针阀运动传感器
newton's laws of motion牛顿运动三定律
non-uniform motion非匀,不等速运动
oscillating motion
oscillatory jumping motion车辆动力学车轮振荡性的跳跃运动
oscillatory motion
parallel motion水平移
path of motion运动轨迹路线
path of parallel wheel motion同轴上平行车轮中间点的运动轨迹
pendulum motion钟摆运动
pitching motion车辆动力学纵倾运动
planetary motion行星齿轮运动
positive motion强制无滑移运动
primary motion of sprung mass悬架簧上质量低频振动
principle motion主运动
put in motion起步
rack motion齿轮-齿条机构
rack motion由齿轮-齿条机构传动的运动
rack motion機架運動
racking motion機架運動
resistance against motion运动阻力
restricted motion受限运动
return back motion返回
return motion倒车
return motion反向運動
return motion向后运动
return motion返回复位,往复运动
reverse motion反转
reverse motion反向運動
reversing motion反向運動
rolling motion相对于纵轴的振动
rolling motion汽车动力学侧倾运动
rolling motion横摇摆,滚
rolling motion摆,滚
rotary motion valve执行机构角行程阀
rotating motion转动
rules of motion运动定律指牛顿运动定律
second-motion engine带减速器的发动机
secondary motion of unsprung mass悬架簧下质量副振动
set in motion起步
set in motion
shimmy motion颤动剧烈的横向振动
shimmy motion前轮摆振
slow motion缓慢运动运行
slow-motion dial游标刻度盘
spinning motion绕自身轴线的转动
spinning motion螺旋旋转运动
stability of steer-off motion on a straight ahead driving转向系统撒手稳定性
steady-state motion稳态动作运动
steering motion转动
steering motion转向盘转向运动
stirring motion紊流旋涡运动
stirring motion
straight motion stability车辆直线行驶稳定性
streamline motion片流
streamline motion层流
swerving motion车辆回转转向运动
swirl motion紊流旋涡运动
swirl motion
test of stability of steer off motion on a straight ahead driving直线行驶撒手稳定性试验见 GB/T 12549-90 中 9.1.9
third motion shaft主轴
third motion shaft手动变速器第二轴
tilting motion翻倾倒,转
tramp motion非悬架质量振动
tramp motion两轮在路面与簧下机件间振
transient yawing motion车辆动力学瞬态不稳定横摆运动
transversal motion横向运
tumble air motion燃烧室空气纵滚流
tumble motion翻滚运动
tumble motion进气/燃烧室滚动
turbulent motion紊,涡,旋运动
uncushioned motion无减振运动
uniform motion速运动
uniform motion cam等速凸轮使气门挺柱在整循环期等速运动
uniformly decreasing motion匀减速运动
uniformly increasing motion匀加速运动
up-and-down motion车身上下垂直
upward motion向上移动
upward motion上行
upward motion向上上升运动
valve motion气门机构运动
variable decreasing motion变减速运动
variable increasing motion变加速运动
vehicle motion车辆运
vertical motion车身/车辆动力学垂直运动
vortex motion燃烧室涡,旋流运动
wheel motion车轮运动位移
whirling motion
whirling motion涡旋紊流运动
wigwag motion左右摆动摇摆
wigwag motion汽车摆头
wind-up motion of rear axle后桥簧上质量绕自身轴线的角振动
working motion工作运动
yaw motion车辆动力学横摆运动
yaw motion of rear axle后桥簧上质量绕重心轴线的横摆运动
yawing motion车辆动力学横摆运动