
Terms for subject Automobiles containing паспорт транспортного средства | all forms | in specified order only
паспорт транспортного средстваvehicle licence (wikipedia.org Spring_beauty)
паспорт транспортного средстваvehicle title (fmatyskin)
паспорт транспортного средстваvehicle certificate of ownership (Also "certficate of title" or "vehicle title". This document certifies the ownership. To get one you have to provide "vehicle registration certificate". Do not confuse "certificate of ownership" to "vehicle registration certificate" which is a proof of vehicle registration, not the ownership, or "Свидетельство о регистрации" (see, wa.gov Exotic Hadron)
электронный паспорт транспортного средстваelectronic Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin (michigan.gov Oleksandr Spirin)