
Terms for subject Insurance containing to) be given | all forms
to be entitled to unemployment benefitsat have ret til ydelser ved arbejdsløshed
to be subject to compulsory insurancevære omfattet af tvungen forsikring
certificate concerning the members of the family of an employed person or self-employed person to be taken into consideration for the calculation of cash benefits in the case of incapacity for workblanket E105
certificate concerning the members of the family of an employed person or self-employed person to be taken into consideration for the calculation of cash benefits in the case of incapacity for workattest om arbejdstagerens eller den selvstændige erhvervsdrivendes familiemedlemmer,der skal tages i betragtning ved beregning af kontantydelser i tilfælde af uarbejdsdygtighed
certificate concerning the periods to be taken into account for the granting of unemployment benefitsblanket E301
certificate concerning the periods to be taken into account for the granting of unemployment benefitsattest om de perioder,der skal tages i betragtning ved tilståelse af arbejdsløshedsydelser
certificate relating to members of the family of an unemployed person who must be taken into account for the calculation of benefitsblanket E302
certificate relating to members of the family of an unemployed person who must be taken into account for the calculation of benefitsattest vedrørende de familiemedlemmer til den arbejdstager,der skal tages i betragtning ved ydelsernes beregning
drawing up accounts relating to the costs to be borne by the institutionsforetage den regnskabsmæssige opgørelse af de udgifter der påhviler institutionerne
premium to be agreedpræmie under forhandling
premium to be arrangedpræmie under forhandling
right to be employedret til at udøve beskæftigelse