
Terms for subject Statistics containing Committee | all forms | exact matches only
Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments StatisticsKumitat dwar l-Istatistika Monetarja, Finanzjarja u tal-Bilanċ tal-Pagamenti
Committee on the Statistical Programmes of the European CommunitiesKumitat għall-Programmi Statistiċi
European Advisory Committee on Community Statistical Information PolicyKumitat Konsultattiv Ewropew tal-Istatistika
European Statistical Advisory CommitteeKumitat Konsultattiv Ewropew tal-Istatistika
Standing Committee on Agricultural StatisticsKumitat Permanenti dwar Statistika Agrikola
Statistical Programme CommitteeKumitat tal-Programm Statistiku
Statistical Programme CommitteeKumitat għall-Programmi Statistiċi