
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
一系列大风险挑战a series of major risks and challenges
一般物价水平置成本会计general price-level replacement cost accounting
triple bottom (在技术分析上,三重底是头肩底的变异形态,也是 w 形底的复合形态,是比它们更加坚实的底部形态,而且形态形成后的上攻力度也更强)
triple top (在技术分析上,三重顶又称为三尊头,是以三个相约之高位而形成的转势图表形态,通常出现在上升市况中)
不受欢迎at a discount
世界world's centre of gravity
世界的world's centre of gravity
世界货币新定值world monetary realignment
业务点为中国内地的集团China-focused property group
低估deeply undervalued
低迷severe downturn
制约全球复苏seriously limit the global recovery
挑战severe challenges
挑战serious challenges
的冲击nasty shocks
缺陷serious defects
<中〉庆农村商业银行Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank (成立于2008年6月29日,是继上海、北京之后我国第三家、西部首家省级农村商业银行,其核心资本规模在2013年《银行家》全球银行1000强榜单中名列第199位,在中国全国的银行中名列第18位)
中国China restructuring
为全球经济提供要的支持provide critical support for the global economy
为标准成本制订的双计划dual plan for standard costs
主权债务sovereign debt restructuring
企业兼并company merger and restructuring
产量的预算编制output-oriented budgeting
债务debt adjustment
债务debt adjusting
债务整人debt adjuster
债务新安排debt rearrangement
债务rescheduling of debts
债务restructuring of debts
债务rearrangement of debts
债务debt rescheduling
债务debt reorganization
债务组取得的固定资产fixed assets acquired through the recombination of liabilities
债务组取得的无形资产intangible assets acquired from debt recombination
债务组方式manners of debt restructuring
债务沉的经济debt-laden economy
债务负担深的欧元区debt-saddled eurozone
做出大战略决策make major strategic decisions
全球经济中的要参与者important players in the global economy
公司组基金corporate restructuring fund
共同努力建设相互尊、互利共赢的合作伙伴关系work together to build a cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit
具有系统要性的大国large, systemically important countries
net weight (Net 或 Net Wt.)
利息新定位条款interest recapture clause
加大对点领域和薄弱环节的信贷支持increase credit support to key areas and weak links
《十大点产业调整振兴规划》Plan for Restructuring and Invigorating Ten Key Industries
上市dual listing
交易two-way trade
价格two-way price
价格制two-price system
存档制度dual filing
审核dual vetting
征税double taxing
报价two-way quotation
收费double dipping
期权put and call option
期权double option (指期权买方在一定时期内有权选择以预先确定的价格买进,也有权选择以该价格卖出商品合约)
汇率two-tier foreign exchange rate
汇率two tier exchange rate
汇率dual exchange rate
税制two-tier tax system
股份基金split fund
股份投资公司split investment company
负债double liability
责任英国之有限责任股东除出资外,更须负双倍之责任double liability
货币债券dual-currency bond
货币掉期quantoed swap
货币期权quantoed option
过帐double posting
发挥大作用play a sizeable role
发挥要作用play an important role
发挥要作用play a key role
发挥要的建设性作用play an important and constructive role
取得大进展achieve new breakthroughs
设行使价的期权moving strike option
固定资产估损失loss from revaluation of fixed asset
固定资产新估价revaluation of fixed assets
国有控股的中国各量级金融机构country's heavyweight state-controlled financial institutions
国际双课税international double taxation
国际金融危机严冲击severe impact of the global financial crisis
在应对危机中发挥要作用play a key role in crisis response
坚持进口和出口并adhere to both import and export
增加直接融资比increase the proportion of direct financing
保险multiple insurance
资产账户multiple asset account
限制决策模型multicriteria decision models
大范围实施点产业调整振兴规划carry out the plan for restructuring and reinvigorating key industries on a large scale
奉行商主义战略pursue mercantilist strategy
宏观调控的focus of macro-control
定期置掉期periodic resetting swap
实施一套规模较小的以投资为点的刺激计划implement a smaller investment-focused stimulus package
对全球经济的健康有要影响have a significant impact on the health of the global economy
对…构成沉重压put severe pressure on
对维护国际金融稳定的要贡献important contribution to international financial stability
对银行业体系进行资本recapitalize the banking system
对银行实行资本recapitalize banks
将抗击通胀列为工作prioritize the fight against inflation
发展规律respect the law of development
投资者利益respect the interests of investors
私有财产respect for private property
币值revalorization of currency
市场信心严不足acute lack of confidence in the markets
库存inventory restocking
应对大挑战的能力ability to respond to major challenges
建设相互尊、互利共赢的经济合作伙伴关系build a cooperative economic partnership of mutual respect and mutual benefit
建设相互尊、互利共赢的经济合作伙伴关系build a cooperative economic partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit
很受be at a premium
扣除利息、所得税、折旧、摊销及组成本前收益earnings before interest, income tax, depreciation,amortization and restructuring costs
扣除利息、税项、折旧、摊销及组成本前收益earnings before interest, tax, depreciation,amortization and restructuring costs
把贷款新包装成投资产品卖给投资者repackage loans into investment products for sale to investors
投资investment focus
投资占 GDP 的比investment-to-GDP ratio
投资组合portfolio restructuring
折余置成本written-down replacement cost
按零风险权计算be zero risk weighted
新一波组浪潮another spate of restructurings
更换及置准备reserve for renewals and replacement
最严的衰退worst recession
有价证券估损失loss from securities revaluation
未审定置成本信息unaudited replacement cost information
本着相互尊和合作的精神in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation
上限weighting cap
欧洲建贷款European reconstruction loan
正确决定存货的要性importance of accuracy in inventory determination
收人的合理分配ensure more equitable distribution of income
深化点领域改革deepen reforms in key areas
滞还债款trouble debt restructuring
灾后建计划disaster recovery plan
熊市要反转bearish key reversal
牛市要反转bullish key reversal
牢牢把握发展的要战略机遇期make full use of this important period of strategic opportunities
现行置成本current replacement cost
相互尊、互利共赢的合作伙伴关系cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit
相互尊、集体决策原则mutual respect, collective decision-making principles
离岸盈利offshore profit regrouping
积极推进企业兼并vigorously carry out enterprise mergers and reorganizations
经济增长的要驱动器important driver of growth
经济的系统要性systemic economic significance
编制侧投入的预算input-oriented budgeting
美国石油学会力指标API Gravity (美国石油学会采用的一种公认的石油比重指标,可粗略衡量石油的质量)
股本reorganization of the share capital
股票权指数equity weighted index
认股权证比warrant coverage
负债沉的国家debt-laden countries
货币二理论money veil theory
货币二理论money dual theory
物品保险insurance of valuables
贷款loan restructuring
资产估价准备appraised surplus
资产估法asset revaluation act
资产估资本盈余capital surplus from assets revaluation
资产新配置asset redeployment
资产asset reorganization
资产组资本recapitalization capital
资本组计划recapitalization scheme
资本结构要性importance of capital structure
跨国多上市mutual cross-listing
遭受危机严影响国家countries seriously affected by the crisis
遭受沉的打击take a severe beating
遭遇严的双底衰退suffer a serious double dip
采取要步骤take important steps
估价appraisal (appraisement)
估价盈余surplus from revaluation
估价盈余revaluation surplus
估价程序revaluation process
估储备revaluation reserve
估公积reappraisal surplus
估准备或超额或盈余revaluation reserve or excess or surplus
估准备账户revaluation reserve account
估后增值revalued upward
估基数revalued base
估增值appraisal increments
估政策revaluation policy
估方法revaluation method
估盈余revaluation surplus
估财产盈余surplus from property reappraisal
债穷国re-indebted poor countries
发支票duplicate cheque
启增长引擎restart the engines of growth
商主义战略mercantilist strategy
商主义的汇率政策mercantilist currency policy
塑信心restore confidence
复事项的处理processing repetitive transactions
复交易之处理程序processing repetitive transactions
复保险duplicate insurance
复审计repeat audit
复汇兑即两国以上之汇兑裁定compound arbitration
复汇兑价率compound arbitrated rate
复认购multiple applications
复记帐doubly entered
复贷款repeater loan
复转记double transfer
大不确定性fundamental uncertainty
大交易major transaction
大地缘政治变化dramatic geopolitical changes
大基础设施建设major infrastructure projects
大失实陈述material misstatement
大差异significant variance
大突破big breakthrough
大经济重组major economic restructuring
大误报material misstatement
大负面事件large negative event
大转变material changes
大错误fundamental error
庆农业银行Chongqing Rural Bank (即"中国农业银行重庆市分行",其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第991位)
庆商业银行Chongqing Commercial Bank (地方性股份制商业银行)
庆联合产权交易所Chongqing United Assets and Equity Exchange
建公共财政rebuild the public finances
usurious interest
振经济revive the economy
振股市revive the market
整账目restatement of accounts
新估价value anew
新估价的基数revalued base
新包装的资产工具repackaged asset vehicles
新安排付款曰期rescheduling of payment
新安排偿债日期reschedule the debt
新树立投资者的信心restore investor confidence
新激活经济增长reinvigorate economic growth
新设计全球金融体系redesign the global financial system
新陷人衰退back into recession
点关注扶持中小企业发展make major efforts to support the development of small- and medium-sized enterprises
点节能工程key energy conservation
点行业兼并重组mergers and reorganization in key industries
点项目key items
点领域crucial areas
申不采取新的贸易保护主义措施的承诺reaffirm the commitment of not taking new trade protectionist measures
doubly entered
组与重新营利restructuring and turnaround
组计划restructuring plan
组银行资本recapitalizing banks
固定资产的置会计replacement accounting
置成本cost of reproduction new value
置成本会计replacements cost accounting
置成本会计replacement cost accounting
置物replacement unit
置现行成本replacement current cost
置计价法replacement pricing
置财repossessed properties
置费cost of replacement
置资产replacing assets
置资产replacement assets
获债券reacquired bond
获股份reacquired stock (shares)
装费用reshipping charges
要事项告知书notification of material facts
要会计原则摘要summary of significant-accounting principle
要信息披露disclosure of material information
要合伙人lead partner
要委托significant order
要平台important platform
要影响力significant influence
要战略机遇期important period of strategic opportunities
要的世界经济大国significant global economic powers
要的协调机制key mechanism for coordination
要的大宗商品出口国large exporters of commodities
要的里程碑important milestone
要贸易伙伴国important trading partners
视收益之衡量emphasis on income measurement
计费用基础recosted base
蹈覆辙make the same mistake again
量成本cost of replacement
钱币量的误差remedy of weight
长期资产revaluation of long-lived assets
防止复建设prevent redundant construction
面临一场大财政挑战face a major fiscal challenge
面临严的经济和银行业危机face deep economic and banking crises
风险权risk rated ratio