
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
与... 结清balance account with
国投资者提供更加公平透明的创业环境provide a fair and even more transparent environment for foreign investors
佩尔•雅布森Per Jacobsson (瑞典人,1956年12月至1963年5月期间担任国际货币基金组织第三任总裁)
允许离岸银行和国央行投资于中国的银行间债券市场allow offshore banks and central banks to invest in China's interbank bond market
充分考虑国不同国情take into full account the different national circumstances of various members
减少种贸易和投资壁垒reduce trade and investment barriers
分摊给成本项目apportioned to cost centres
加尔答证券交易所Calcutta Stock Exchange
加强层次的实质性对话和沟通enhance substantive dialogue and communication at all levels
反对种形式的保护主义reject all forms of protectionism
反对种形式的保护主义oppose protectionism in all forms
反对种形式的保护主义oppose all forms of protectionism
国央行的央行central bankers, bank (指"国际清算银行 (Bank for International Settlements)")
基金应付债票合并明细表combined schedule of bonds payable by funds
担责任several liability
机构预支业务经费operation fund advanced to agencies
款内分派数intra-sectional apportionment
种人名帐户sundries personal account
种人名帐户sundry persons' account
种基金合并现金出纳表combined statement of cash receipts, disbursements and balance-all funds
种基金投资明细表combined schedule of investments by funds
种形式的保护主义various forms of protectionism
种资金应收税款滞纳数合并明细表combined schedule of delinquent taxes receivable by funds
科目合并表summary sheet
类股票的会计处理accounting for various classes of stock
部应负责任汇总表summary of responsibility
部时率法department hour rate method
部间之收益interdepartmental income
部间盈利interdepartmental profits
各款经费内流转transfer within appropriation line (section)
除卖客户帐目sundries creditors account
项杂费overhead cost
国有控股的中国重量级金融机构country's heavyweight state-controlled financial institutions
坚决抵制种形式的保护主义resolutely boycott all forms of protectionism
方都不利be in body's interest
项商品分别列记itemize the articles
工厂费用之摊入factory overhead allocation to departments
平衡体现方利益seek a balance among the interests of all parties
应对种风险和挑战deal with risks and challenges of all kinds
收市时股价有升跌close mixed
无损方权利without prejudice
无记债券uninscribed bond
有利于增进世界国人民福祉contribute to the well being of people in all countries
相关之基金other funds
结清balance the book
资金在经济中部门的流动fund flows through sectors of the economy
财务预算at the sectional level
鼓励国之间的协调行动encourage coordination between nations