
Terms for subject Finances containing scales | all forms
advantage of economies of scale规模经营优势
carry out the plan for restructuring and reinvigorating key industries on a large scale大范围实施重点产业调整振兴规划
constant returns to scale规模报酬不变
differential scale带有差动控制系统的天平
diseconomies of scale规模不经济
full-scale bail-outs全面纾困
large-scale stimulus policies大规模经济刺激政策
minimum efficient scale最低效率规模
scale diseconomy规模不经济
scale in逐步建仓
scale new heights迈上新台阶
scale of bank lending银行放贷规模
scale of charges税率
scale of charges费用率
scale of commissions经纪费率
scale of non-performing loans不良贷款规模
scale of payment工资等级
scale order分段建仓委托
scale up递升卖岀
slide scale按比例相应增减价格
sliding scale tariff浮动关税