
Terms for subject Finances containing in" country | all forms | in specified order only
branch in third countryfilial i tredjeland
clearing circuit in the destination countryclearingskredsløb i modtagerlandet
commercial value in countryhandelsværdi i det land
Committee on Aid for Economic Restructuring in certain countries of central and eastern EuropeUdvalget vedrørende Bistand til den Økonomiske Omstrukturering i visse lande i Central- og Østeuropa
Committee on financial and technical assistance and economic cooperation with developing countries in Asia and Latin AmericaUdvalget for Finansiel og Tekniske Bistand og Økonomisk Samarbejde med Udviklingslande i Asien og Latinamerika
to convert the assets in the currency of a third countrykonvertere beholdninger til tredjelands valuta
cooperation between businesses in Europe and in the Mediterranean countriessamarbejde mellem virksomheder i EF og Middelhavstredjelande
cooperation between local authorities in Europe and in the Mediterranean countriessamarbejde mellem kommunale myndigheder i EF og Middelhavstredjelande
fund investing in an individual countryinvesteringsforening der placerer midler i et bestemt land
highly indebted, low-income countries in sub-Saharan Africafattige og stærkt gældstyngede lande i Afrika syd for Sahara
"in" countrydeltagerland
International Centre for Public Enterprises in Developing Countries-ICPEDet internationale center for offentlige virksomheder i udviklingslande
intervention in third country currenciesintervention i tredjelandsvalutaer
payment of VAT in the country of originbetaling af momsen i oprindelseslandet
permanent residence in the countryfast bopæl på det nationale territorium
"pre-in" countrypotentielt deltagerland
pre-in country"pre-in"-land
stock exchange in the country of marketingbørs i omsætningslandet
system for monitoring programmes for operations carried out by management units in the beneficiary countriesprogramovervågningssystem for de transaktioner, der gennemføres af forvaltningsenhederne i modtagerlandene
tariff agreements in force with third countriesbestående toldaftaler med tredjeland
tariff negotiations with third countries in respect of the Common Customs Tarifftoldforhandlinger med tredjeland vedrørende den fælles toldtarif
VAT rate applicable in the country of destinationmomssatsen i bestemmelseslandet
World Bank's Special Program of Assistance for the Low-Income Debt-Distressed Countries in Sub-Saharan AfricaVerdensbankens særlige program for gældsplagede lavindkomstlande syd for Sahara
World Bank's Special Programme of Assistance for the Low-Income Debt-Distressed Countries in Sub-Saharan AfricaVerdensbankens særlige program for gældsplagede lavindkomstlande syd for Sahara