
Terms for subject Finances containing Devisen | all forms | exact matches only
Devisen darunter:Ecuforeign exchange of which:ecu
Devisen-Futurecurrency future
Devisen-Terminkontraktcurrency futures
die Art der ihm zur Verfuegung stehenden Devisenthe type of currency at its disposal
Forderungen in Devisenforeign exchange assets
Forderungen in Devisenassets in foreign currency
in Devisen zahlbarpayable in foreign currency
Kauf von Devisen für Schuldendienstzahlungenexternalization
Programm "in Form von Devisen"currency programme
Provisionen aus dem Devisen-, Sorten- und Edelmetallhandelcommissions for foreign currency transactions and for the sale and purchase of coin and precious metals