
Terms for subject Linguistics containing comparisons | all forms
adverbial clause of comparisonобстоятельственное придаточное предложение сравнения
degree of comparisonстепень сравнения
degrees of comparison of adjectivesстепени сравнения прилагательных
figurative comparisonобразное сравнение (oshkindt)
form of comparisonформа выражения сравнения
positive degree of comparisonположительная степень сравнения (The usual degrees of comparison are the positive, which simply denotes a property (as with the English words big and fully); the comparative, which indicates greater degree (as bigger and more fully); and the superlative, which indicates greatest degree (as biggest and most fully).)
translation comparisonпереводческое сопоставление (teterevaann)
typological comparisonтипологическое сравнение (с ... – to ... Alex_Odeychuk)