
Terms for subject Pharmacology containing mixed | all forms | exact matches only
Calci-Mix碳酸钙胶囊 (碳酸钙 (calcium carbonate) 胶囊剂商品名;补钙药)
Humalog Mix75/25 优泌乐混合剂75/25 (75%精蛋白赖脯胰岛素-25%赖脯胰岛素 (insulin lispro protamine and insulin lispro) 注射剂商品名;降血糖药)
Humalog Mix50优泌乐50 (精蛋白锌重组赖脯胰岛素混合剂 (50R) (mixed protamine zinc recombinant human insulin lispro (50R)) 预装注射笔商品名;降血糖药)
lactobacillus acidophilus and bulgaricus mixed culture嗜酸乳杆菌-保加利亚乳杆菌混合培养物
Lispro Mix50/50立普乐50 (精蛋白赖脯胰岛素-赖脯胰岛素 (insulin lispro protamine suspension and insulin lispro) 注射剂商品名;降血糖药)
mixed amphetamines苯丙胺混合盐 (由苯丙胺和右苯丙胺组成;抗ADHD药)
mixed gas-gangrene antitoxin多价气性坏疽抗毒素多价气性坏疽抗毒素(gas-gangrene antitoxin (mixed))的别名;生物制品
mixed protamine zinc recombinant human insulin lispro25R精蛋白锌重组赖脯胰岛素混合剂25 (降血糖药)
mixed purified gas-gangrene antitoxin多价精制气性坏疽抗毒素多价气性坏疽抗毒素(gas-gangrene antitoxin (mixed))的别名;生物制品
Novolog Mix50/50 诺和乐克50/50 (50%重组精蛋白门冬胰岛素-50%重组门冬胰岛素 (insulin aspart protamine recombinant and insulin aspart recombinant) 注射液商品名;降血糖药)
Novolog Mix70/30 诺和乐克70/30 (70%重组精蛋白门冬胰岛素-30%重组门冬胰岛素 (insulin aspart protamine recombinant and insulin aspart recombinant) 注射液商品名;降血糖药)