
Terms for subject Economy containing scales | all forms | exact matches only
A full-scale investigation is under way into the matter of economic nature正在对经济性质的这一问题进行全面调査
a hang scoop scale盘秤
a lever scale杆秤
a pound scale磅秤
a sliding scale计算尺
a sliding scale滑动费率表
act performed on a social scale社会范围行动
activate enterprises of large and medium scale搞活大中型企业
an ullage scale量油尺
As a result of large-scale unemployment, there was an over-flow of cheap labour force on the market in some African countries某些非洲国家的大规模失业现象造成市场上廉价劳动力泛滥
at the other end of the scale相反
at the other end of the scale另一方面
benefit of large-scale production大规模生产的优势
benefit of large-scale production大规模生产的优越性
benefit scale福利标准
build water conservancy works on an extensive scale水利化
change of scale变更尺度 (范围)
colliery scale煤炭装船速率表
commercial scale process大规模〔工业规模〕生产法
commercial scale process大规模生产过程
complexity in large-scale management大规模管理的复杂性
constant return to scale不同规模变动而不变动
constant return to scale规模的收益不变
constant return to scale对规模的报酬不变
constant returns to scale固定比例收益
conveyer scale带式输送机自动秤
corn duty in the sliding scale谷物滑尺税
cumulative scale渐加等级
decimal scale十进位制
decreasing return to scale规模递减报酬
decreasing returns to scale规模的收益递减
descending tax scale递减税率表
develop the economy of scale发展规模经济
diminishing returns to scale生产规模的报酬递减
diminishing returns to scale对规模的报酬递减
diseconomy of large-scale production大规模生产的不经济
diseconomy of scale因经营规模扩大而增加成本费用
diseconomy of scale规模不经济
displacement and scale effects移置和规模扩大效应
economic of scale经济规模
economics of large-scale production大规模生产经济法规
economics of large scale production大规模生产的经济法则
economics of scale大规模生产的经济效益
economics of scale studies规模经济研究
economy and diseconomy of scale经营规模扩大所造成的经济节约和浪费
economy of large scale大规模经济
economy of large-scale industry大规模工业的经济节约
economy of large-scale industry大规模经营的经济节约
economy of large-scale production大规模生产的经济节约
economy of mass scale production大规模生产的经济节约
economy of scale大规模经营的经济
economy of scale规模经济
economy of scale因经营规模扩大而得到的经济节约
eight-grade wage scale八级工资制
electronic funds transfer at point of scale换算中心的电子经费转移
English scale英制长度
exact scale确切尺度
exact scale实在尺度
falling scale over time随时间的推移而递减
Fielder's LPC Scale菲德勒的最不招人喜欢的同事置表
full-scale members正式成员
full-scale members正式会员
get returns to scale获得与生产规模成比例的收益
hand scope scale盘秤
hang scoop scale盘称
horizontal scale横尺度
imperial scale特大规模
increasing returns to scale递增规模报酬
increasing returns to scale规模的收入递增
increasing returns to scale对规模的报酬递增
industrial scale生产规模
large-scale agriculture大面积耕作
large-scale development project大规模开发项目
large scale enterprise大型企典
large scale farming大型农业
large scale floor plan大规模地面计划
large scale industry大型工业
large-scale land holdings大土地占有
large scale operation大规模经营
large-scale production大批生产
large scale system大规模系统
last scale最末尺度
law of economics of large scale production大规模生产的经济法则
lever scale提秤
management on large small scale经营
management problem in large-scale enterprises大规模企业中的管理问题
market scale市称
medium-scale industry中型工业
Michigan Four-Factor Scales密歇根4因素衡量尺度
micro scale technology微型化
middle scale commercial farmer中等规模的商品生产农民
natural scale自然尺度
nearest scale靠近尺度
nominal scale公称值
not to scale不按照比例
on an unprecedented scale空前规模
overall scale of capital construction资本建设总规模
overall scale of capital construction基本建设总规模
payroll scale工资比例
price-based sliding scale royalty矿区使用费
price-based sliding scale royalty基于价格的矿区滑动费
prompt scale期货交易
rate scale价目表
regressive scale递减尺度
reproduction on a progressively increasing scale扩大再生产
reproduction on a simple scale简单再生产
reproduction on an enlarged scale扩大再生产
reproduction on an enlarged, a progressively increasing scale扩大、逐步扩大再生产
return of scale规模利益
return of scale规模报酬
return of scale & maximum of profit规模及利润最大化
return to scale规模报酬
returns to scale成比例的收益
returns to scale规模报酬
same scale单位大小相同
same scale尺度相同
scale down递减
scale down按比率降低
scale-down up of prices按某种比率降价格
scale economics规模经济学
scale the imported sugar into进口蔗糖分成均等 (4 loss, 4批)
scale merit因规模适宜而获得的利益
scale merit因规模适当而得的规模利益
scale neutral system规模中性系统
scale of accumulation积累规模
scale of business经营规模
scale of commission佣金率
scale of commodity classification商品分类表
scale of credit operations信贷业务规模
scale of decrease下降率
scale of elevation高程比例尺
scale of feet船泊吃水线
scale of feet水尺
scale of increase增长率
scale of living生活水平
scale of operation操作规模
scale of operation经营规模
scale of pay工资等级
scale of preference偏好尺度
scale of preferences优先等级表
scale of preferences偏爱程度
scale of production生产规模
scale of rates邮资级别
scale of rates运费表
scale of relative values相对价值比例 (表)
scale of salaries薪水比例
scale of salary工资等级
scale of taxes税率表
scale of wage工资等级
scale point尺度点
scale ratio比例尺比率
scale transformation尺度变换法
scale up按比率增加
scale up按比率扩大
scale up递增
scale up the price by按…的比例提价
scales of production生产规模
semi-logarithmic scale半对邮尺度
short scale production小批生产
slide royalty scale按滑动比例提成
sliding scale递减律
sliding scale比例相应增减制
sliding scale游标
sliding scale滑动费率工资
sliding-scale basis比例相应增减法
sliding-scale clause滑动条款
sliding-scale of wage滑动工资
sliding-scale tariff递远递减运价表
sliding-scale tariff滑动关税
sliding scale wage滑车工资制 (以本公司产品售价的涨落为标准来制定工资率)
sliding scale wage system浮动工资制
sliding-scale wage system滑动工资制
small-scale credit小规模信贷
small scale farming小规模农业
small-scale moneylenders小规模放贷人
small-scale peasant economy小农经济
small scale production小批生产
small scale production小规模生产
social scale社会地位
standard scale标准尺度
standardized scales of financing标准化资金供应比额
step in social scale社会等级
the Baume scale波美比重计
the Baume scale波美比重标度
the commission on a sliding scale递加佣金
The cost shall be evaluated for production of the article on large scale大规模生产该项产品的成本应予评定
the mitigation of change in the scale减少比额的变动
the nearest scale靠近尺度
the plan concerning manpower and pay scales劳动工资计划
the regressive scale递减尺度
the scale designation尺度标记
the sliding scales滑动工程
the specialization on an international scale国际专业化
the weighing by scale衡器计重
They purchased these commodities on a limited scale他们购买这些商品的规模有限
three-dimensional scale model立体模型
time scale时间坐标
time scale technique时间标尺术
ullage scale测油尺
upper end of per capita GHP scale平均国民生产总值表的上部
upper end of per capita GNP scale平均国民生产总值表的上部
utility scale效用率
utility scale效用尺度
vertical scale纵尺度
wage scale工资等级 (表)
wage scale system工资级制
We are considering large-scale investment in this line我们正在考虑对这一行业进行大规模的投资
We expect a resumption of large-scale purchase after Christmas我们期望圣诞节后重新开始大规模的购货
We hope to be among the first to produce the new medical appliances on a great scale我们希望成为新式医疗器械的首批大规模生产者之一
weigh the goods on tested scale以校准之衡器对货物进行称重