
Terms for subject Economy containing Retired | all forms | exact matches only
retire a billоплачивать вексель
retire a documentоплачивать документ (о банке)
retire a loanпогашать ссуду
retire a shareвыкупать акцию
retire bondпогашать облигации
retire bondsизымать облигации из обращения
retire bondsпогашать облигации (Bonds usually are issued by a company, city, state, country, etc. and are usually issued for a given period of time. For example, a city can issue a bond that they will pay interest to you for a period of 10 years. During the 10 year period, you will receive an interest payment usually on a quarterly basis. At the end of 10 years, they are required to pay you back the market price of that bond. At that time, the bond no longer exists, or is retired. Another way a bond can be retired is if the bond issuer puts in a clause that they can buy back the bond whenever they want usually by offering the bond holders a premium to the bond value. So, it a bond has a 10 year maturity period, and the bond issuer buys the bond back any time before 10 years, then the bond is retired. yahoo.com Alexander Demidov)
retire coins from circulationизымать монеты из обращения
retire from a partnershipвыходить из товарищества
retire from a postуходить в отставку
retire from businessотойти от дел
retire from circulationизымать из обращения
retire from entrepotуйти на пенсию
retire from entrepotоставить дело
retire from officeувольняться со службы
retire from serviceоставить службу (Andrey Truhachev)
retire from serviceуйти в отставку (Andrey Truhachev)
retire from serviceуходить в отставку (Andrey Truhachev)
retire from workуходить со службы
retire public debtвыкупать государственный долг
retired and liquidated fixed assetsвыбывшие и ликвидированные основные средства (Азери)
retired assetsвыбывший основной капитал
retired farmerфермер, отошедший от активной деятельности
retired farmerпрестарелый фермер