
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
不付租金扣押动产distrain chattels for non-payment of rent
不服仲裁提出上诉appeal against an arbitration
为延期收款填迟发票日期dated billing
为我们委托人on account of our principals
为接管另一企业购买其股票的岀价take-over bid
为补充燃料偏航deviation for fuel
为课税估价be appraised for taxation
为违约提出控告sue for a breach of promise
买方预料价格要下跌停止购进Buyers are holding off in anticipation of lower prices
in that connection
by that means
使因货舱装满无法装船的货物退关shut the goods out of the customs
利用竞争对方公司的错误获利capitalize on the errors of a rival firm
加发股票未增资stock watering
劳资争执双方约定为准备协商使紧张缓和下来的期间cooling-off period
即企业缴入资本部分非列入股本capital surplus
双方当事人在签约时所谋求的商业目的因意外情况受挫落空The commercial aims which the both parties pursued when concluding the contract are defeated by force of supervening circumstances
因不付款扣押货物seizure of goods on default of payment
因代理人推荐购买此货buy the goods on the recommendation of an agent
因修理船舶产生的债权claim for repair of the vessel
因受热受潮遭损害be damaged by heat and sweat
因季节情况禁止通行closedowns due to seasonal conditions
因市场情况停业closedowns due to market conditions
因欺诈产生的诉权claim on account of fraud
因短装索赔2,000英镑claim £ stg. 2,000 for short shipment
因缺货致的高价famine prices
因自然灾害造成共同海损In consequence of natural calamities, general average happened
因质量低劣索赔2,000 香港元claim HKD 2,000 for inferiority of quality
因违约产生的债权claim arising from a breach of a contract
大批积压未交付的订货a large backlog
如果已脱离对货物的占有,买方无力清偿货款时,卖方具有对货物的停运权In case of the insolvency of the buyer, the seller has a right of stopping the goods in transit after he has parted with the possession to them
就此in that connection
市场价格通常随季节不同变化Market prices usually vary with the season
意外事故因疏忽The accident is attributed to carelessness
我们不应强调其一贬低其二Quality and shipment are both important. We should not emphasize one and deemphasize the other
我们不能不管其他买主只给你方报盘We cannot confine our offers to you to the exclusion of other buyers
承认某人签字照付honour sb's signature
按…而according as
支票上的签字不是我的是伪造的The signature on the check was not mine but a forgery
收入并不因衰微受影响Earnings were not affected by the decline because of the firm's recent diversification into other lines
未经计划购买的货物impulse goods
本合约按照接受书上所印交易条件签订The contract is concluded subject to the conditions of sale printed on the letter of acceptance
根据某一设计建成be built after a design
根据资本额非根据收入而课的资本税capital levy
此类危险对于该行业言是偶然会发生的Such risks are contingent to the trade
此货将按费用向收货人收取交货The goods will be delivered charges collect
法院驳回买方提岀以不履约为由提起的损失赔偿诉讼The court dismissed the action by the buyer against the seller for losses for non-performance
用普通文字不用密码en clair
红利稳定值钱的主要公司股票blue-chip stock
经营不善亏损run at a loss due to poor operation
不急于作岀决定prefer to make a careful feasibility study rather than make a hasty decision
对 B 型产品特别感兴趣The buyers are interested in Type A in general and Type B in particular
是由于你方信用证未及时抵达我方The delay of shipment is not due to our inability to get the goods ready in time but to the late arrival of your letter of credit
船触暗礁漏水The ship was bilged by a snag
英国出口信贷署不仅对国外买主出售货物所可能遭受的某些风险提供保险,且也对国外主顾不支付劳务报酬的风险提供保险E.C.G.D. offers cover against the non-payment of earnings from the rendering of services to overseas principals, as well as providing insurance against certain risks incurred in the sale of goods to overseas buyers
该交易以在装船前三十天开立信用证为条件达成The transaction is concluded on the stipulation that the L/C should be established 30 days before the commencement of shipment
该港因封冻停航The port being ice-locked is closed to navigation
购进过多价格偏高的市场overbought market
运费必须按尺码吨不是按重量或价值计算Freight is to be calculated on measurement tonnage not on weight or value
这两家银行因共有股权联系密切The two banks were affiliated by a common ownership of stock
通过经纪人事务所不通过证券交易所证券买卖over the counter
通过经纪人事务所不通过证券交易所买卖over the counter
鉴于,considering that
银行要求卖方提供一份保证书,后银行凭此给予贷款The bank asked the seller to supply an indemnity and, on the strength of such indemnity, made the credit available