
Terms for subject Commerce containing to | all forms | exact matches only
abusive barring of access to the marketuberettiget opstilles hindring for at få adgang til markedet
Advisory Committee for implementation of activities relating to the Community market access strategyDet Rådgivende Udvalg for Gennemførelse af Aktiviteter i relation til Fællesskabets Markedsadgangsstrategi
Advisory Committee on protection against obstacles to trade that have an effect on the market of the Community or of a third country TBRDet Rådgivende Udvalg for Beskyttelse mod Handelshindringer, der Indvirker på Fællesskabets Marked eller på Markedet i et Tredjeland
Advisory Committee on the Strengthening of the Common Commercial Policy with regard in particular to Protection against Illicit Commercial PracticesDet Rådgivende Udvalg for Styrkelse af den Fælles Handelspolitik, særlig med hensyn til Beskyttelse mod Uretmæssig Handelspraksis
Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the Kingdom of Morocco concerning reciprocal liberalisation measures and the replacement of the agricultural protocols to the EC-Morocco Association Agreementaftale i form af brevveksling mellem Det Europæiske Fællesskab og Kongeriget Marokko om gensidige liberaliseringsforanstaltninger og erstatning af landbrugsprotokollerne til associeringsaftalen EF-Marokko
Agreement on Amendment of and Accession to the Central European Free Trade Agreementaftale om ændring og tiltrædelse af den centraleuropæiske frihandelsaftale
Agreement to amend and enlarge the Central European Free Trade Agreementaftale om ændring og tiltrædelse af den centraleuropæiske frihandelsaftale
arbitrary refusal to supply spare partsvilkårlig nægtelse af at levere reservedele
barrier to tradehandelshindring
barrier to tradehandelsbarriere
business-to-consumervirksomhed til forbruger
business-to-governmentbusiness to government-e-handel
campaign to promote ...salgsfremstød
campaign to promote ...salgskampagne
campaign to promote ...kampagne for at fremme ...
Committee for implementation of the decision establishing a general framework for financing Community actions in support of consumer policy for the years 2004 to 2007Udvalget for Gennemførelse af Afgørelsen om en Generel Ramme for Finansiering af Fællesskabets Aktioner til Støtte for Forbrugerpolitikken for Perioden 2004-2007
Committee on the Implementation at Community Level of the Agreement on Technical Barriers to TradeUdvalget til Gennemførelse inden for Fællesskabet af Aftalen om Tekniske Handelshindringer
Community fund to compensate the victims of defective productseuropæisk fond, som kan yde erstatning til ofre for defekte produkter
Convention on the Law Applicable to the International Sale of Goodskonvention om, hvilken lovgivning der skal anvendes på løsørekøb af international karakter
Convention relating to a Uniform Law on the International Sale of Goodskonvention om den uniforme lov om internationale løsørekøb
costs to be borne by the companyomkostning,der påhviler selskabet
direct sale to the final consumerdirekte salg til den endelige forbruger
door-to-door salesdørsalg
elimination of technical barriers to tradefjernelse af tekniske handelshindringer
export policy and measures to protect tradeeksportpolitik og handelspolitiske beskyttelsesforanstaltninger
franchisee information to the franchisorfranchisetagers underretningsniveau overfor franchisegiver
franchisee information to the franchisorfranchisetagers underretning overfor franchisegiver
franchisee information to the franchisorfranchisetagers orientering til franchisegiver
franchisor information to the franchiseefranchisegivers underretning over for franchisetager
franchisor information to the franchiseefranchisegivers underretningsniveau over for franchisetager
franchisor information to the franchiseefranchisegivers orientering til franchisetager
GSP special arrangements to combat drug production and traffickingnarkotikaordning under arrangementet med generelle toldpræferencer
GSP special arrangements to combat drug production and traffickingden særlige ordning til bekæmpelse af produktion af og handel med narkotika
in addition to the fixed amount, the product was subject to a price compensation measureden pågældende vare var ud over det faste beløb undergivet en prisudligningsforanstaltning
inducement to breachopfordring til misbrug
International Convention to Facilitate the Importation of Commercial Samples and Advertising Materialinternational konvention om lettelser for indførslen af vareprøver og reklamemateriale
investment measures related to trade in goodsinvesteringsforanstaltninger i tilknytning til varehandel
invitation to purchasekøbsopfordring
Marrakesh Protocol to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994Marrakeshprotokollen til den almindelige overenskomst om told og udenrigshandel 1994
measure to protect tradehandelpolitisk beskyttelsesforanstaltning
obstacle to tradehandelsbarriere
pilot projects to promote modern commercial methods through the implementation of new commercial technologypilotprojekter til fremme af moderne handelsmetoder gennem anvendelse af ny kommerciel teknologi
price charged to retailerpris over for detaildistributør
price invoiced to the agentfaktured pris hos agenter
refusal to accept deliverymodtagelsesnægtelse
refusal to take deliverymodtagelsesnægtelse
registration levy payable to Chamber of Trade and Industryhandelsregistergebyr
Removal of Technical Barriers to Tradefjernelse af tekniske handelshindringer
resistance to a dart-impact testperforeringsmodstand
resistance to vertical shocklodret chokpåvirkning
sale to domestic consumers or small craft industriessalg til husstande eller håndværkere
System of Compensation for the Loss of Export Earnings for Least-developed Countries not Signatory to the Lomé Conventionkompensationsordning for eksportindtægtstab i de mindst udviklede lande, der ikke har undertegnet Lomékonventionen
technical barrier to tradeteknisk handelshindring
The Annecy Protocol of Terms of Accession to the General Agreement on Tariffs and TradeAnnecyprotokollen vedrørende vilkårene for tiltrædelse af den almindelige overenskomst om told og udenrigshandel