
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing may | all forms | exact matches only
it may be worth noting thatстоить отметить, что (It may be worth noting that Dr. Goodall waited until retirement to speak on the subject of cryptids, which is likely because there is an aura of conspiracy theory around bigfoot that makes it difficult for scientists or other experts to consider seriously, which can be a problem if actual evidence arises because it would be dismissed without study. exemplore.com ART Vancouver)
May everyone get his just desertsкаждому воздастся по заслугам ("their" из соображений политкорректности VLZ_58)
may I have my say?можно мне высказаться?
may the best man winпусть победит сильнейший (VLZ_58)
may the best person winпусть победит сильнейший (VLZ_58)
may the best winпусть победит сильнейший (Юрий Гомон)
May the joy and peace of Christmas be with you alwaysПусть радость и безмятежность Рождества всегда остаются с Вами (Leonid Dzhepko)
might be a long shot, butшансов мало, но (попробую что-л. – напр., получить ответ на вопрос): Might be a long shot, but I woke up with intense hives over my body and am wondering if anyone else is having the same problem. I’ve never had this before, and haven’t used any new products or done anything differently lately, except going swimming at English Bay beach yesterday for the first time in a month. Is it possible the water wasn’t safe and they just hadn’t tested it yet? (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
might be a long shot, butвероятность невелика, но (попробую что-л. – напр., получить ответ на вопрос): Might be a long shot, but I woke up with intense hives over my body and am wondering if anyone else is having the same problem. I’ve never had this before, and haven’t used any new products or done anything differently lately, except going swimming at English Bay beach yesterday for the first time in a month. Is it possible the water wasn’t safe and they just hadn’t tested it yet? (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
sad though it may beкак это ни печально (Former Vancouver mayor Kennedy Stewart is up to his old habits: parading petty grievances around like serious issues. This habit is long past being tiresome and is completely unbefitting someone who held top job in our country’s third largest city. Sad though it may be, this is now the go-to leftist political playbook: righteous victory if you win, blame systemic discrimination if you lose. nationalpost.com ART Vancouver)
Through every moment of the holidays, every day of the new year may peace and happiness be yoursПусть каждое мгновение праздников и каждый день в новом году будет мирным и счастливым для Вас (Leonid Dzhepko)
what you say / you're saying may very well be true butТак-то оно так, но (ART Vancouver)