
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing interests | all forms | exact matches only
enduring interestнеизменный интерес (к чему-л. – in sth.: DiEugenio underscored the persistent resistance to acknowledging a conspiracy regarding JFK's assassination, citing ongoing classification of documents and media apprehension towards alternative narratives. He stressed the significance of continued inquiry into the JFK assassination, and emphasized the importance of integrating newly available information into the public discourse, as evidenced by the success of their documentaries and the enduring interest in the subject matter despite mainstream media skepticism. -- и неизменный интерес к этой теме (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
generate considerable interestвызывать значительный интерес (from sb. – у кого-л. ART Vancouver)
have a particular interest inособо заинтересовать (модель требует изменения конструкции: Then, a sudden “strong rush of wind” hit the witness, while at the same time, a ramp was stretching to the ground from an opening in the craft. On the ramp, three humanoid “men” appeared, each wearing “shiny, silvery coveralls”. The witness heard the “men” speak an unknown language as they seemingly discussed his presence. He would recall how they seemed to have a particular interest in the horse. The account stops there, and while it doesn’t say what happened after that, we have to assume the witness vacated the area as soon as he could. -- проявили особый интерес к его лошади (ufoinsight.com) ART Vancouver)
have a particular interest inпроявить особый интерес к (Then, a sudden “strong rush of wind” hit the witness, while at the same time, a ramp was stretching to the ground from an opening in the craft. On the ramp, three humanoid “men” appeared, each wearing “shiny, silvery coveralls”. The witness heard the “men” speak an unknown language as they seemingly discussed his presence. He would recall how they seemed to have a particular interest in the horse. The account stops there, and while it doesn’t say what happened after that, we have to assume the witness vacated the area as soon as he could. -- проявили особый интерес к его лошади (ufoinsight.com) ART Vancouver)
have one's best interests in mindруководствоваться интересами кого-л. (Whether you’re appointing an attorney or opening a joint bank account with somebody, it’s important to make sure the person you choose is someone you trust and has your best interests in mind. (rbcroyalbank.com) ART Vancouver)