
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing blue | all forms | exact matches only
work a blue-collar jobработать на промышленном предприятии (а также по любой рабочей специальности: Grew up in a relatively small house by today's standards. My dad worked a blue-collar job. Mom stayed home and ran the household. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
work a blue-collar jobработать на заводе, фабрике, лесопилке и т.п. (Grew up in a relatively small house by today's standards. My dad worked a blue-collar job. Mom stayed home and ran the household. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
work a blue-collar jobработать на производстве (а также по любой рабочей специальности: Grew up in a relatively small house by today's standards. My dad worked a blue-collar job. Mom stayed home and ran the household. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)