
Terms for subject Procedural law containing the | all forms | exact matches only
acknowledgment of the childtagħrif ta' tifel
adoption of the child of a partneradozzjoni tal-wild naturali tal-konjuġi
ascertaining the views and wishes of the childsmigħ tal-minuri
breakdown of the family relationshiptifrik tar-relazzjoni familjali
consummation of the marriagekonsumazzjoni taż-żwieġ
contribution to the costs of married lifekontribuzzjoni għall-ħtiġiet tal-familja
Convention on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition, enforcement and cooperation in respect of parental responsibility and measures for the protection of children, signed at The Hague on 19 October 1996Konvenzjoni fuq il-Ġurisdizzjoni, il-Liġi Applikabbli, Rikonoxximent, Infurzar u Kooperazzjoni dwar ir-Responsabbiltà tal-Ġenituri u Miżuri għall-Protezzjoni tat-Tfal
creditor of the estatekreditur tas-suċċessjoni
creditor of the estatekreditur tal-patrimonju
creditor of the successionkreditur tal-patrimonju
creditor of the successionkreditur tas-suċċessjoni
declaration concerning the acceptance or the waiver of the succession or of a legacydikjarazzjoni dwar l-aċċettazzjoni jew ir-rinunzja għal suċċessjoni jew legat
declaration in the form of a disposition of property upon deathdikjarazzjoni fil-forma ta' trasferiment causa mortis
disposable part of the estatesehem tal-beni li t-testatur jista' jiddisponi minnu
disposable part of the estateparti tal-patrimonju li persuna tista' tiddisponi minnha
division of the estateqasma tal-wirt
division of the estatekondiviżjoni tal-patrimonju
divorce on irretrievable impairment of the marriage tiedivorzju minħabba li ż-żwieġ ikun tkisser irremedjabilment
fragmentation of the successionframmentazzjoni tas-suċċessjoni
Green Paper Modernising labour law to meet the challenges of the 21st centuryGreen Paper - L-immodernizzar tal-liġi tax-xogħol biex jitwieġbu l-isfidi tas-seklu 21
Hague Convention of 1996 on the International Protection of ChildrenKonvenzjoni fuq il-Ġurisdizzjoni, il-Liġi Applikabbli, Rikonoxximent, Infurzar u Kooperazzjoni dwar ir-Responsabbiltà tal-Ġenituri u Miżuri għall-Protezzjoni tat-Tfal
hearing of the childsmigħ tal-minuri
hearing of the parties contracting the marriagesmigħ tal-persuni li jkunu ser jiżżewġu
knowledge of the birthgħarfien tat-twelid
limiting the exercise of parental responsibilitycħid minn parti mill-jeddijiet tal-awtorità tal-ġenituri
limiting the exercise of parental responsibilitytneħħija ta' parti mill-jeddijiet tas-setgħa tal-ġenituri
portion of the estate to devolve compulsorily upon the heirssehem riżervat tal-patrimonju
relative in the ascending lineaxxendent
relative in the descending linedixxendent
reserved portion of the estatesehem riżervat tal-patrimonju
reserved share of the estatesehem riżervat tal-patrimonju
right to administer the successiondritt ta' amministrazzjoni tal-patrimonju tad-deċedut
right to administer the successiondritt ta' amministrazzjoni tas-suċċessjoni
right to maintain personal relations and direct contact with the childdritt tal-missier jew tal-omm li jaraw it-tfal tagħhom
statement in the form of a disposition of property upon deathdikjarazzjoni fil-forma ta' trasferiment causa mortis
upbringing and development of the childedukazzjoni tat-tifel