
Terms for subject Labor law containing должность | all forms | exact matches only
быть восстановленным в должностиreturn to his position (Alex_Odeychuk)
быть назначенным на руководящую должностьbe hired in a managerial position (Alex_Odeychuk)
быть уволенным в связи с несоответствием занимаемой должностиbe fired for being unfit for the position (англ. цитата – из решения United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit. Argued Jan. 19, 1995. Decided June 23, 1995. Alex_Odeychuk)
введение в должностьinstatement (Mukhatdinov)
должность в офисеoffice based position (Alex_Odeychuk)
Квалификационный справочник должностей руководителей, специалистов и других служащихManagers, specialists and workforce qualification reference book (guide savy4life)
контингент кандидатов на должностьrecruitment pool (Alex_Odeychuk)
наименование должностиjob title (A job title is a term that describes the position held by an employee in a few words or less. Depending on the job, a job title can describe the job responsibilities, the level of the job, or both. Employers use job titles to categorize positions in their organization. A company's organization chart will show the jobs, listed by job title, the reporting structure, and company management. Employers also use job titles as part of their compensation management system. Certain job titles can be tied to pay grades. Job titles also are used to determine a career path at a company both by employees eligible for promotion and by employers who are evaluating candidates for employment. Alexander Demidov)
наименование должностиjob title (A job title is a term that describes the position held by an employee in a few words or less. Depending on the job, a job title can describe the job responsibilities, the level of the job, or both. Employers use job titles to categorize positions in their organization. A company's organization chart will show the jobs, listed by job title, the reporting structure, and company management. Employers also use job titles as part of their compensation management system. Certain job titles can be tied to pay grades. Job titles also are used to determine a career path at a company both by employees eligible for promotion and by employers who are evaluating candidates for employment. – АД)
несоответствие занимаемой должностиinconsistent with job
нижестоящая вакантная должностьA vacant position at a lower level
отстранение от должностиsuspension
программа введения в должностьinduction programme (mphto)
работа на должности руководителяmanagerial work (Alex_Odeychuk)
Реестр должностей федеральной государственной гражданской службыRegister of Federal State Civil Service Positions of the Russian Federation (terrarristka)
Служба разглашения данных о судимости и запрета на занятие должностейDisclosure and Barring Service (в Британии, рабочий вариант Баян)
совмещать должности, обязанностиcoordinate (Яша)
совмещение должностейpositions overlapping (Kamilya)
упразднение должностиelimination of a position (sankozh)
упразднить должностьeliminate a position (sankozh)
уровень должностиjob level (Maxxicum)
цель должностиjob purpose (Alex_Odeychuk)
штатная должность дистанционного работникаwork-from-home position (Alex_Odeychuk)
штатная должность для работы в офисеoffice based position (Alex_Odeychuk)